New Media Intro

New media is a way to connect and convey information in an interactive way. For example, Netflix, people watch shows on Netflix based on if they like it or desire to watch the show. Tradition media is not two sided, for example, television is one way you can’t fast forward, the television is in control. Media consumption can be fragmented by using multiple forms of media at once, “some research counts that hour you spend watching TV and looking at your smartphone simultaneously as two hours, one on each of the screens” (Donovan, 2018). Using multiple devises at once or multiple times a day is your media fragmenting and can be considered too much screen time. Everybody uses media integrated into their daily schedules, “the average American [spends] more than 12 hours a day with various media, from TV to smartphones to laptops to newspapers… But is consuming too much media like eating too many french fries bad for your health?” (Donovan, 2018). Yes, consuming too much media can be bad for you, especially if you don’t have self-control when it comes to your phone. There are many things anyone can do to use media less for your heath. First, try putting electronics on silent, to avoid temptations. Also, setting time limits in some apps to avoid using the device for hours at a time. Lastly, hobbies can keep people from looking at their phone. Everybody must look something up every now and then, but is that source reliable? Some questions everyone should ask, does it match our previous knowledge? Is the author credible? Is this source recently updated? And better yet does the information match the information on other sources? When researching make sure the information is correct.

One thought on “New Media Intro”

  1. Thanks for posting your introduction to “New Media” paragraph. The following are my observations based on your quotation integration and formal writing practices within the paragraph.

    – You have done an excellent job of incorporating a quotation as evidence and have integrated it properly, as demonstrated in class.
    – Avoid 1st person pronouns (us)
    – End your paragraph in a statement and not multiple questions
    – Rewrite sentence #2, it is incomplete
    > A form of media that is on demand, the persons desire to use it.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me in-person or via email.

    Mr. Barazzuol

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