Matter Matters

Matter Matters (Science 9)

Define: Matter is the Stuff Around You. Matter is everything around you. Atoms and molecules are all composed of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. If you are new to the idea of mass, it is the amount of stuff in an object.

Dream: I made a quiz

Deliver:  I created a simple interactive quiz

Debrief: In my matter matters project i made it very intrrcative and cool

Propaganda – Poster / Write Up



Poster ideas

Mistreatment of Animals
My idea is mistreatment of animals and it is called common enemy or scape goat and it is about how the farmers harass and beat up the animals. For my propaganda I’m going to get a poster with the animals beating the humans up with the tools the humans use to beat up the animals. I think it would be really good and then in the background of it there will be the house / museum burning down with the 7 rules on the barn. I chose common enemy because the book is about a battle between two enemies and that is what the common enemy is. The other one would be bandwagon because there is one leader in the book and everyone else follows him and joins him. Repetition because they always think the humans are bad and the pig with power wants everyone to believe that.

Principles of Flight

The principle of hydrodynamics that an increase in the velocity of the stream results in decreased pressure. Bernoullies principle explains that an airplane can achieve lift because of the shape of its wings. Faster Velocity = Lower Pressure, Lower Velocity = High Pressure

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