English Blog Post 1

  1. a) What is ironic about George’s (or the authors) comments on competition, laws, and society in the story? Support your opinions with evidence from the text. You may incorporate quotes if you find necessary, but this is not required.

George is not totally enthused by the idea of being locked up with weights and being scrambled with an ear piece to dumb down thoughts every third minute. “That dance—it was nice,” said Hazel. “Yup” said George. He tried to think a little about the ballerinas. They weren’t really very good—no better than anyone else would have been,” (Page 59) He compares all the ballerinas to one another and with everyone else because anyone that is above the standard is brought down with handicaps to make everyone ‘equal’. George basically says that anyone can dance to music if they wanted to. George also refers to the law where if he were to remove any weight from his handicaps, he’ll get fined $2,000 and 2 years in prison per ball removed. “just take out a few of them lead balls. Just a few.” “Two Years In prison and two thousand dollars fine for every ball I took out,” said George. “I don’t call that a bargain.” (Page 60) “Reckon it’d fall all apart,” said Hazel. “What would?” said George blankly. “Society,” Hazel uncertainly. (Page 61) George mentions to about what would happen to society if they all started to let out a few balls or take off their headset for a little bit. They’re world is all together and equal with those handicaps, with them chaos would ensue due to order no longer being.  When chaos is all they need to make everyone happy.

  1. b) Describe George and Hazel’s reactions at the end of the story. What do you think the author is trying to say through them?

Hazel’s reaction near the end of the story was sad because she witnessed her son’s death on live television but not as teary as you would think it would be because she has a natural disability. George’s reaction is comforting towards Hazel because she’s crying about something she had forgot about. The author is trying to tell us that equality would result in a species of brainwashed, stupid, weak, and overall useless humans.  Everyone says, “strive to be the best you can be”, or, “work hard on your education and work.”  In this alternate reality, it doesn’t matter because the smarter or stronger you are, the more heavily handicapped you get.

Math Football


The Process…

During math we were instructed to create a football (soccer ball) using spaghetti and marshmallows.  It took a minute or so for our group to feel comfortable with each other but when we finally did, the ideas started flowing.  Triangles, hexagons, pentagons.  We first began making triangular pyramids which then where connected to the sides of a cube.  We kept making and connecting them until we had a semi-round shape.

Our Semi-Round Football
Our Semi-Round Football



throughout the construction of the football we ran into one major problem.  The weight of the ball itself was to heavy for the base and the figure began collapsing in on itself.  This was an easy fix however.  ADD MORE TRIANGLES!!!  Once the triangles were added the figure became stronger and sturdier.


How Is This Math???

This is part of mathematics in the sense that it involves different shapes and combining shapes to create a figure.  Footballs are made of different shape materials joined together and inflated to make a sphere.