Desmos Art Functions Card 2018

Click here to go to graph

I went into this assignment feeling confident in my ability to graph and tell different function graphs apart.  Once I actually started the assignment I began running into issues and road blocks all over the place.  I opened a second desmos graph so I could check if i was about to use the right type of graph or function.  I found one of the biggest challenges of this assignment was remembering the names I gave each function because I ended up with approximately 330 functions.  I had many “aha!” moments such as when I figured out how to shade in my complicated Christmas tree by using 5 sets of inequalities.  I got help from a few friends on different occasions to complete this assignment.  One of these occasions involved grinding away at the project in a friends basement for 6 hours straight.  Other occasions include video calling my friend Eaemya (check out her graph by clicking her name and going to her graph post) for a total of approximately 8 hours.  A strategy I developed was writing the names of my functions down on a sticky note beside my computer for quick reference when writing out inequalities.  I also decided to go for a full body shot rather than taking the easy route and doing a head-shot.

This assignment taught me a large amount about the different functions and how they appear on graphs.  I also learned how to manipulate certain functions and translate them in ways that were not taught in class.  This includes turning a simple sine function into an absolute value sine function (see Christmas tree in graph).

Mark Process (max. 4 marks) Score
4 I clearly described my process, strategies and how I resolved any difficulties, I encountered.   4
2 My explanation is somewhat clear.
1 My explanation lacks detail.
0 I have not described my problem solving process.
Folders (2 marks)  
2 My folders are clearly labelled with body parts and types of functions used   2
0 I did not use folders  
Self-Portrait (max. 4 marks)  
4 My self-portrait resembles my uniqueness  4
2 My self-portrait is starting to look like a person
1 My self-portrait is missing or incomplete
Holiday Card (max. 4 marks)  
4 My card has an obvious holiday theme. Color and shading was used to enhance the picture.  4
2 My card is starting to look like a holiday card.
1 No thought was put into the use of color, shading or holiday theme.
Equations (max 6 marks)  
6 I used all  6 types of function required  6
x I used only x of the required types
Function notation (max 10 marks)       
10 I made excellent use of function notation in order to transform the same function repeatedly  10
5 I used function notation a few times in order to transform the same function repeatedly.
0 I wrote new equations every single time and did not use function notation.
Creativity and Complexity of Equations (max 10 marks)           
10 My equations show complexity and creativity. I used multiple transformations. (Stretches, Reflections, Translations). I made excellent use of domain and range restrictions.  10
6 I used mostly the same type of functions, with some transformations. My functions sometimes overlap because I could not figure out the correct domain and range.
3 My equations lack complexity and creativity.
Total mark:




Include any necessary comments or explanations:

I also found a way to make the fire in the fireplace have constant motion.

I feel my self portrait represents my uniqueness by the way the hair looks.  One thing that makes me different than everyone else is my unruly hair.

My folder names are quite long but each name clearly describes what functions were used and where.

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