HCE 9 – English Write

No Trespassing – bansky

the First Nations didn’t have their way

from that day on the land was grey

This land belonged to the ones before 

But when we took it over it hurt them more 

To bridge the gaps and break the rules  

We tried to change them, We took their land 

Yet they stayed strong, Against the man 

His messages, they yell 

To tell the story of how the problem fell 

Provoking thought and sparking debate 

in the streets have no hate 

A testament to his creative state. 

No Trespassing, the sign does say 

Telling us to change our ways 

electric house project

Our challenge was when the wires were not send electrons through. We later found out it was the hot glue we put on the wires to hold them together. So we took off the glue at it worked just fine. But some of our wiring did not work.

Our original dream for this project was to make the house the van from Breaking Bad. Sadly we could not, because we had to make the house two stories. My whole team was upset but we moved past it and started working on the one we have now.

It was a fast start. We got a lot of things done in a short time. But then it started to slow down and it took us two whole days just to put the lights in. And when we went to show it to our teacher only the top floor lights worked.

The process was a weird one. we started off with the dream of making the breaking bad van to finding out we couldn’t. we could’ve actually did some research on the project and we would’ve not waisted a whole day. When we found out we couldn’t make the van we were upset but decided not to let that slow us down. we started to make the project and we decided to hot glue the wire together to help them hold not releasing that it would insulate the wires and not the electrons pass the the wires. At the last day we put the battery on and saw that it did not work we tinker at it for a bit and nothing happened we eventually decided it would be best to ask for help and she told us about the glue insulating the wires. I do not know the mark we got but I think we did ok. we could’ve asked if we should’ve put hot glue on the wires.

Indigenous Exploration-clean water crisis

The summary of this podcast is that we talked about how awful the water situation is for indigenous communities in Canada.

This project was challenging at times because it was my first time working on a podcast with audacity about something serious. I did have a lot of fun making the podcast and so did my partner. We recently learnt a lot of things we didn’t know before like how we take clean drinking water for granted and don’t really appreciate how clean our water is. We learnt about how some people are trying to make a difference. Birch bark bay coffee is an advocate for clean water and is actually doing something about it. my group’s path of getting the information for this podcast was to go through multiple different sources and write everything and then break it down into the parts we can talk about. some of the major obstacles during the recordings were miss pronouncing some of the words and names, stuttering, or even just forgetting whose line it was. I like to communicate my learning through speech so this was a break from having to type my explanation.


Image result for water ban native  Image result for water ban native Image result for boil water advisory for first nations Image result for boil water advisory for first nations Image result for curve lake first nation water crisis





Here are the links for the information we found.











Dozens of Canada’s First Nations lack drinking water: ‘Unacceptable in a country so rich’ | Canada | The Guardian


where to donate for water purifiers

Home – Water First Education & Training Inc.


marks coffee.

Birch Bark Coffee Company | Birch Bark Coffee Company Inc.