Cole Russell-Literary Studies 11 – Humanities

Humanities degrees are equal to STEM degrees – The Hawkeye


If you were being questioned by someone with a lot of power, and they asked you: “What is your honest opinion on humanity?” How are you responding? The world we know today is very complex and complicated. Social media and the internet overall are a major part in our society, they both can be used for good and bad, but we seem too only look at the negative side of things, at least that’s how I hear it. I view the world in quite a negative way, or maybe I should say I view society in a negative way, I think people are extremely selfish and inconsiderate. Going off her article, Mandy Piper argued that; “Coming from a socio-cultural environment where getting a degree in English tends to be considered, at best, a youthful self-indulgence.” And as I’ve stated, I agree with her opinion that people are inconsiderate. Getting an English degree to some people is useless and won’t help you anywhere in the real world. When all these people need to do is just a little bit of research, and they would be proven wrong. I feel humanity only listens to what they want to hear, like a ‘logical fallacy.’ I especially like this quote from The Dallas Morning News article, “We should strive to be a society of free people, not simply one of well-compensated managers and employees.” I completely agree, I think that amount of people that just want to be free and escape the feeling of melancholy, dealt from the real world. In conclusion, as negative as it sounds. I dislike humanity, I think it really has its ups but too me all I can point out are massive downs. Breaking into the US Capital just to name one thing negative. I haven’t lost hope yet, but the number of riots I see these days is insane compared to when I was younger. And lastly, I don’t think that humanity is all bad, I think that some people are actually very nice, and its small little things that would make me have a better opinion on humanity as a whole.

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