Staying Safe at Work.

Three things I will do to stay safe at work are:

  • Learn the safety precautions at the work place
  • Wear safety equipment depending on what the job is. (Hard hat, gloves, eye goggles, high vis vest.)
  • Be aware of my work surroundings. (Moving machines, fire exits, windows, tools, wires.)

Two things I will do to keep others safe at work:

  • Help people out if they look like they are struggling or in a dangerous spot.
  • Be that guy who reminds them that they aren’t wearing  goggles, gloves, hard hat, ect.

The oil spill accident was shocking too me because it was a completely unfortunate series of events. He was told to finish up early meaning he didn’t know that someone would be mopping the floors at that time because he wouldn’t there on a normal day when the other person was mopping the floor, causing him to slip and basically burn himself live.

The ski instructor too, he had done that trick 1000 times he said, and this one time he landed a little bit off. (He didn’t look out of control till he  hit the ground so the landing must have just been the slightest bit off.) and then he broke his neck and was paralyzed from the neck down . Even pros can mess up is what I gathered from that video.

The ski video relates to me because I go skiing a lot and I’m learning more gnarly tricks like what this guy is doing, and he didn’t even go off a huge cliff drop, it was a basic roller. And that scares me a little bit because that’s the jumps that I do all the time and don’t see them as a threat.

It relates to me even more because last year I was skiing on a day where it was raining and as I landed off a jump, my ski tips got stuck under the snow and I did a front flip, over rotated and landed on my neck, thankfully I was in wet powder snow so it was a super soft landing. The ski instructor guy landed on hard flat groomed snow so I would imagine it would feel like smacking into cement.


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