This is my The Friday That Everything Changed Lego Stop Motion
The influences in our roleplay were pressure from friends because Noah and Stefan were pressuring me to smoke. But I had a different opinion and I used the excuse of saying I was busy because I had a lot of homework. Or I just refused it because smoking was bad, and I negotiated with them with play soccer as an alternative.
How I resolved the issue was I refused their offer in different ways, I incorporated different strategies to effectively refuse their offer. The conflict was resolved by me not taking their cigarettes but also not making them angry and making them satisfied with my excuse. You need communication skills such as negotiation, refusal, and delay skills to resolve your conflict or issue.
By having good negotiation, refusal and delay skills, it would make the person in the role play more resilient. This is because it would make the person who is offering the cigarettes harder to get to you. If you have these important skills the process would be much easier and smoother to deny the offer of the cigarettes and they wouldn’t ask any more questions and leave you alone. Using all these skills means that the person will be harder to come by and would be harder to accept the cigarettes, making you more resilient.
It is meaningful to me because I am very intrigued by the fact that you can kill viruses using UV light. I find it very interesting because I used to have a UV light myself, which makes me wonder what kind of UV light can actually kill bacteria and viruses. Additionally, this affects me because it can be possible for me to be exposed by this light in a positive way.
This is meaningful to others because it can reduce the number of people getting sick. Also, we can see if this topic answers how UV light can be in people everyday lives. It will also improve people sanitariness ranging from laboratories, health clinics, offices, or even in peoples houses.
A common place where UVC light can be used is in a cryostat, a cryostat is a device with a low temperature where you can sample organisms. In the cryostat, the UVC light has a special coating that can protect the user by reducing exposure to airborne and surface pathogens. When working in a cryostat, operators can be exposed to dangerous and infectious pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HBV, HCV, and HIV. To include extra protection along with the use of gloves, masks, and goggles, you can use UVC disinfection. UVC light can disinfect surfaces and the air within the chamber without generating condensation, toxic fumes, residues or contaminated liquid waste. UVC light can be performed at any time without warming or defrosting.
This shows us that UVC light can be used to protect against different infectious pathogens in a cryostat without any harm or casualties against the operator. Also, there won’t be any side effects unlike other cleaning mechanisms, like condensation, toxic fumes, residues or contaminated liquid waste. It is efficient and quick, but also is stable and won’t disrupt anything in the cryostat.
“UV Cryostat, UVC disinfection.” Bioscience Technology, Nov. 2006 Accessed 17 Feb. 2019.
UVC light can be in hospitals as well, in Muskogee Community Hospital, they have installed an innovative infection control measure. For instances, the UVC device was installed in the air handling units and in custom-designed, ceiling-mounted units in the surgical and procedural rooms. The devices were used to eradicate airborne viruses/bacteria as well as surface biofilm/mold and pathogens. In addition, it helps improve air quality and help reduce hospital common infections. UVC in MCH (Muskogee Community Hospital) is also providing a very environmentally friendly way to prevent cost. Installing UVC Emitters in the heat pump units serving in the patient rooms benefits by having a low cost in both maintenance and energy consumption. This is because the UVC continuously cleans the coil and drain pan surfaces of biofilm buildup in the heat pumps. It concludes by reducing the cost of manual cleaning and keeping the units a new condition so they run more efficiently.
This article not only tells us about sanitation but also says that UVC light can improve the air quality in rooms. It also tells us its an efficient way to clean the heat coils reducing the maintenance cost and energy consumption. It also shows us that a hospital is a very ideal place to put the UVC light and has a lot of potential if used correctly.
“UVC lights provide infection control, green benefits.” Healthcare Purchasing News, Sept. 2009 Accessed 17 Feb. 2019.
Is UVC light harmful to humans? No, using the correct wavelength of the UVC light (207-222nm). It kills the bacteria but will not damage the human skin or eye, it can’t even penetrate through the dead skin level on the surface of your skin. This is because bacteria and viruses are of a micrometer or smaller dimensions, far-UVC can penetrate and inactivate them. It can inactivate H1N1 Influenza by 95 %. Being said, it could be considered in public locations such as hospitals, doctors offices, schools, airports, and airplanes, since we now know it isn’t harmful to humans. This path may help limit seasonal influenza epidemics, transmission of tuberculosis, and also major pandemics.
This information shows that UVC can’t be harmful to humans, and it tells you that it is not possible to damage the human’s skins or the eye. This also shows many different and deadly diseases could be prevented or limited using this technique of sanitation. Which can be exceedingly helpful for worldwide sanitation.
“New Airborne Disease Study Findings Recently Were Reported by Researchers at Columbia University (Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases).” TB & Outbreaks Week, 6 Mar. 2018, p. 6. Global Issues in Context,
For further research to extend my project, I could research and find out how much UVC light cost and see if the prices are reasonable. Also, I could elaborate more on how UVC light scientifically works and how it specifically kill the bacteria. Additionally, I could find out a way on how to do a science experiment with UV light and try it out.
I needed to research these questions in order to research my main topic
A new digital tool I used for this project was Gale Engage Learning found in the online Riverside library. For images, I used a few images on new websites such as Creative Commons and Pexals, and also some on Google. A familiar tool I used was Google, the site I used for Google was sub-links from a trusted website from the teacher. Then I used the information to get a background idea about what the topic was and the basic information.
I looked at the websites that the teacher advised to us, and I wrote 3-4 ideas I was interested in. I considered on one of the ideas but it was too simple, so I resorted to my second best idea, which was the UVC light one. Then, I refined it to create a more meaningful and thicker question. After, I knew I needed sub-questions to complete and answer my main question, so I created 5 sub-questions. I first started with the website that lured me in the first place to get a good idea about the concept.
I used a very trustable website known as Gale Engage Learning, I knew it was a trustable website because it was referred by teachers and was on the Riverside library. I also used websites that were well cited and had verified information, if it was unknown with no author and information doesn’t line up, the information could be invalid. Luckily, the Gale Engage Learning website had cite’s ready in MLA format so it was convenient to copy it from there. If there wasn’t, I knew how to cite into MLA format because I learned it in previous years from middle school. For images, I used the citation machine in MLA format.
Some parts were hard but some were easy, for example, the parts that were hard was when I had to understand the information and topic. But after when I understood the topic, I caught on to what it was about. Also, getting images was a challenge for me, because there weren’t many pictures that correlate with my topic, it was difficult to find accurate pictures. Answering the questions were quite simple because the information I researched gradually answeres the questions. Another thing that made it easier was I did a similar project on creating an Inquiry in the last semester so I knew what a meaningful question was. A thing I could have done better on the project was the organization and not repeating myself in the research part.
Image 1: “UVC Light Provide Infection Control, Green Benefits.” UVC Light Provide Infection Control, Green Benefits, Operating Room, Sept. 2009, February 20, 2019
Image 2: “Far-UVC Light: A New Tool to Control the Spread of Airborne-Mediated Microbial Diseases.” Far-UVC Light: A New Tool to Control the Spread of Airborne-Mediated Microbial Diseases, David Welch, 9 Feb. 2018, February 20, 2019
Video: Research, Center for Radiological. “Far-UVC Light and the Fight Against Superbugs.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Aug. 2016,
Here is my artifact:
Here is my Core Competency for my artifact:
Toby Ng
Badminton BC – Performance Lead
I interviewed Toby Ng who was a professional Badminton player, he also played in the Olympics but now retired and now being Badminton coach. The reason I interviewed Toby was because I’m passionate about Badminton. I saw him play a few times and that really motivated me to work hard and reach his level. I’m was really inspired, not only by his achievements and skill but also his mentality on never giving up.
I learned a lot from this interview, such as you have to work hard and do what others are not doing, like being unique. You have to go for a goal beyond your reach, that way other people won’t take your spot. You just have to take time and just try your hardest every step of the way. I also realized in this interview is you have to persistent, you can’t stop, even if there are obstacles. I learn that obstacles turn into an opportunity, which also means that they’re always a way through. This interview will help me in many aspects of my Badminton life right now, such as I will try to exceed the most of my capabilities as I can.
All About Me
The following is a reflection based on the Heath Unit within PE 9 for my core competencies:
1)How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.
It can affect in many ways, your actions on the internet is incredibly important as it could positively help you or negatively drag you down. For example, you could be at a party doing something inappropriate then someone takes a picture and share it with his/her friends. Later, their friends are going to post it, repost, and keep reposting to other people. Making this untraceable picture that can ruin your life. However, digital footprint can also help in your future. For instance, if you did something good in life and was on the internet, and maybe you forgot about it. The internet would always “have your back” and remembers it.
2) Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.
To keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe you should not post anything too personal or something you’re going to regret on the internet, Another way to keep your footprint safe is to put your social media pages on private, that way the internet cant put them on the internet for anyone to see. Last way to keep your footprint safe is don’t send anything inappropriate to your friends because it might get leaked to the internet for anyone to see.
3)What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?
I would tell them everything you do on the internet is tracked. Then I would show that Apple is tracking our location, where we go the most, What time we go, etc