Community Connections

Interviewee: Dad (Curtis Campbell); Interviewed about: Running (hobby)   I am passionate about running; why? because I believe that running is the root of all sports and I am not doing soccer anymore so I needed to find another outlet that get’s me in shape. I am also kind of influenced under my dad because…

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SNR Self-Reflection

SNR self reflection -2npj1js  This artifact that I choose was one roller-coaster; this was a 4 month project. In this project I worked with four other people. We sat up a discord server to communicate and most people used that. It was a good idea to because we shared all of our ideas there. We…

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French Self-Assement

The artifact that I am choosing to do this self-reflection on is the restaurant French skit. This was a huge learning curb that was pretty fun. I wrote a some the script and translated some, it was just a good time. This taught me to work with others in a more productive way as well…

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Super Natural Riverside Project

Questions: Define: Explain a challenge you faced during the creation of the Supernatural Riverside Project? Challenges I faced during the Super Natural Riverside video was time (e.g.) We were very disorganised until the Monday “meeting” and almost every day in winter break I am on vacation and or friends and family. I also faced the…

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Everything I know about exponents and Self – Assesment

1) How to represent repeated multiplication with exponents:   (4)(4)(4)==64, (5)(5)==25 2) How powers represent repeated multiplication:  =1*1=1, =3*3*3*3*3=243 3) The difference between the exponent and the base via building models of a given power:                                        …

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Water, It’s Better Than You Think?!

Now that the study/experiment/information analyses is done about our river water near here at riverside is finished; the only sensible thing to do now is reflect and write a more modern essay about our findings.  Our water quality was salt (how much salt there was). Our steps were relatively easy and simple, and meaning that…

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A Digital Footprint, My Digital Footprint

Personally I think your online identity is one of the most important things these days. I think I have better online security than most. One of the reasons why is if you search me up you can’t find a picture of me anywhere which is good besides on my friends social media accounts which I…

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