What are some things that were challenging?
I am pretty familiar with Adobe Apps (my personal favourite being Illustrator) so there was nothing too challenging there. However, I am pretty rusty and it felt like my version was not as great as the schools one back in grade 10. I know Adobe Apps get updated every year but I don’t think Adobe made the program clunkier. I felt like my shortcuts didn’t work anymore. Just the overall feel of the tools and the app felt different, but I mean I never liked Photoshop anyways.
What are some things that worked well?
My idea of hating Halloween worked in my favour because that just means I get to dress up for the best holiday, Christmas. I was actually kind of bankrupt of ideas, so that’s why my photo isn’t out of this world; however I do think that this is acceptable. My navigation skills around the app made this kind of a breeze so everything worked well.
What did you learn? How can you apply this?
I learned that my preferences back in 2018 still apply today. Besides expanding my creativity, I did not learn much because I took two courses going over these apps. I can apply these skills whenever I am doing something really professional and have to create an above-average project. In reality, will only use these skills in very special situations.