
The experiment investigated was on surface tension with using water and eight pennies. In order to study the problem, one must put droplets of water on the penny one with soap and one without soap. Results showed that the penny with soap couldn’t hold as much water on the penny. This proved the hypothesis that if the penny is coated in soap then it will increase the amount of water available to be on the penny because the molecules will fuse and create more space for the water to spread with the water dissolving at the same time was false. With water, surface tension is made via the water molecules pulling on other water molecules thus creating cohesion. Group three’s averages are a bit above the normal amount of water drops on the penny. Some reasons why group three’s results might be different than other groups is because the amount of water one would squeezed out of the eye dropper, the other factor on the penny like rust making more or less room for the water and how much one shook the table making the surface tension less. Some reasons why group three’s results might be similar is because assuming that all the groups washed and cleaned the pennies properly, everyone had the same size penny and everyone had no one purposely interfering with the experiment.To further extend the experiment one could use different soap formulas, different types of coins, a different eye dropper (etc.). If the experiment were to be repeated some changes to improve the experiemntal design could be that one could use a sturdier table, use a robot to drop a certain amount of water on the penny (etc.).




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