Personally I think your online identity is one of the most important things these days. I think I have better online security than most. One of the reasons why is if you search me up you can’t find a picture of me anywhere which is good besides on my friends social media accounts which I am not proud of. I am very uptight about my online identity, one of the main reasons is because of future job interviews (e.g.) I don’t want to get ready for an interview and then find out that I didn’t get it because of something stupid.  Another reason why I am cautious about my online identity is because if you meet a person in the real world and then they look you up one day and see that you are a different person online than real life; they might “separate” from you.

There are a few precautions that I take so that I don’t post something dumb. For one, I don’t post often.  When you post a lot you don’t think much about what you’re posting than someone who only posts a picture once a month per say. I also don’t use strong swear words or gossip online to keep a pretty solid picture of who I am. My last rule is so that I have a clean digital footprint is that I never post myself on social media because you are going to get hate comments (obviously for different reasons) and there are always unexpected consequences.

First of all, before you learn information from someone think who the person is (I brought this up because a lot of my friends don’t have good online privacy). Another key rule is to never be sarcastic online because people can perceive it to be something very different from what your intentions were.

In conclusion take one minute to lookover  your post so that you don’t have it affect you in the future in a negative way.

One thought on “A Digital Footprint, My Digital Footprint”

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Details or explanations answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Includes appropriate photos or media as instructed
    – Post is completed
    – By the way, I like the theme of your blog!

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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