Ms. Langford's Digital Portfolio

Category Masters of Educational Technology

Station Four: The Halifax Disaster

Background: Check out the basics HERE. Sources: Watch the CBC Archives Halifax: A city in ruins after the explosion, and listen to Mont-Blanc pilot Francis Mackey recall the Halifax 1917 explosion. If you have additional time you can check out more… Continue Reading →

Station Three: Paying for the War

Read the information on Victory bonds, and the primary document and look at the example posters. Background: The Canadian Government sold Victory Bonds to Canadian citizens, private corporations and various organizations in order to raise funds to pay for the war…. Continue Reading →

Station Two: Propaganda

For this station please read this short article on Canadian propaganda posters, you may also want to refer to a dictionary. Pictures (From the Canadian War Museum Collection)                 Part I Using the… Continue Reading →

Station Five: Women and the War

Background: Women’s role prior to World War One Before the outbreak of WWI women’s role in western society was restricted to the home and to jobs that were referred to as “Women’s Work.” Some of these jobs included domestic service (housekeeper,)… Continue Reading →

World War One – Home Front Lesson

Over the next two classes you will work in groups of five to explore the effects of World War One on Canadians at home. Step One: Your group will be responsible for visiting six different stations and completing an individual… Continue Reading →

Station One: Feeding the Troops

You and your teammates are in charge of feeding the Allied troops fighting in Europe. Familiarize yourself with the maps below. You may also want to review the Alliances and which countries are on which side. Plain Map of Europe:  … Continue Reading →

ETEC 512 – Situated and Distributed Learning Project

Situated and Distributed Learning Website:

ETEC 510 – Digital Storytelling

ETEC 510 – Stop Motion Video


ETEC 540 – Video Documentary

The Pencil – its history and its role in education!

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