life of a cell- melanocytes
In my science class, we were assigned to research a cell and write a story based on their perspective.
part 1;
Hello! Greetings from the inside of the human body, also known as my host, Claire. Now, you may be wondering what’s my name?, and what am I? Well, I’m known around here as Melanocyte, and most people call me Mel. My job is to make you look like you. I have many locations with many cells that are just like me. I’m mainly located in the deepest layer of skin, the epidermis, you can also find me in hair follicles and the middle layer in your eye know as the uvea.
I have many responsibilities, my friends and I have the job of distributing melanin, which is pigmentation. So the reason why you may never tan or just seem to gain a perfect natural glow over the summer is all thanks to me. My primary function is to pigment your distinct features on your body, your skin, eyes, hair, etc. So, when do we occur? Primitive melanocytes first appear in the skin during the eighth week of fetal life, but at that time they produce little melanin. Only after you are born normal melanocyte cells begin to function in the right matter. In the skin, I form a bond with the keratinocytes which are the cells that make your hair. So, what do I look like? Well, I’m not a super fancy cell, I’m on the primitive side. I have a nucleus and other organelles such as Phaemelanosomes, eumelanosomes, Eumelansomes. Cells like me can have plenty of friends or little depending on their host’s genetics.
picture link;
part 2;
What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic?
- What does the cell look like?
- Where is it located?
- Is this cell’s role necessary?
- Are there any consequences to your body if the cell is not in the body?
- what is the primary function of the cell?
- does my cell use other cells to do its job?
what digital tools did I use to create this project?
- Gale Engage Learning
- EBSCO Host
- Science in Context
- google scholar
- science Direct
what was the process I used to investigate my topic?
- Asked questions about the cell.
- Acquired Information about the cells.
- Analyzed Information collected to verify legibility.
- Applied information to answer questions.
- Assessed information to create cell story.
how did I verify my information I found
I read a various number of articles on the school proofed websites to check if the information was consistent and made sense. I also researched other websites found on google to check for consistency.
How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?
I found this project to be quite straightforward and very understandable. The library research resources made it much easier to find information and learn about my cell. Nextime, I could’ve spent more time and go into more depth but due to personal circumstances, I wasn’t able to in that amount of time. I spent a large amount of time researching and not enough time writing my story. overall, this was a pretty understandable project for me in my perspective.
electricity inquiry
In science honours 9 I created a sway presentation to demonstrate my learning of an inquiry project. Hope you enjoy!
colabritive fluency
Material | Lucite | Copper | Glass | Straw | Wood | Spoon | Ebonite |
Silk | Attracts | Vibrates | Repels slightly | Attracts slightly | nothing | attracts | Repelling |
Cotton | Attracts | Nothing | Nothing | attracts | nothing | Attracts slightly | Attracts slightly |
Polyester | Attracts slightly | Nothing | Vibrates | nothing | nothing | nothing | Repelling a lot |
Animal Fur | Repels a lot | Vibrates | Attracts | Repels a lot | Nothing | Attracts a lot and then repels | Attracts slightly |
Wool | Attracts | Vibrates | Nothing | Attracts | nothing | Attracts | Attracts then repels |
Plastic | Attracts slightly | Slightly repelling | Nothing | nothing | Slightly attracts | Attracts slightly | Attracts at first then Repelling |
execute: Our task is to charge different material of rods with some fabric and find out the strongest pair of conductors. our testing is demonstrated in the chart above. I believe that out information was well plotted together. These results will definitely help us with our next test, trying to make a motar to spin a ruler around on a vertical axis.
During these past two classes in Science Honours 9, we have been testing static electricity using many different types of materials. We used a Ring stand to drape a pith ball to represent a neutralized charge. We first tested using lucite by rubbing silk all over it and placed the end of it near the piff. The electrons transferred on to the piff and attracted the piff suddenly was very attracted to the Lucite. to realize why this is happening we first thought about why this is happening. For example when we rubbed the spoon with the animal fur, the electrons from the animal fur transferred onto the spoon. when we placed the spoon near the neutrally charged piff the spoon was instantly joined to the piff as the electron was attracting, but then as soon as the electrons had switched to the piff and it seemed impossible to places these two objects together because they now had the same charge, as the saying goes ‘opposites attract’ and in this case this was very well shown in the beginning and as soon as they had become the same charge they quickly repelled each other. So with all the testing that we have done, I can now conclude that when the test subject and the piff ball are attracted to each other that means that they have opposite charges, but when they repel each other that means that they have a neutralized charge.
Group contract;
- What skills and strengths does each of the group members have to help you accomplish this project?
- Emily- a Strong leader, keeps everyone in tack, efficient
- Maddy- Dedicated, good time management, artistic
- Claire- Creative, collaboration, keeps people together
- Megan- Thinks outside of the box, sociable, confident in public speaking
- How are you going to divide up the workload? What roles and responsibilities are assigned to each person?
- Maddy – Recorder
- Megan – Racer
- Emily – Racer
- Claire – Timer
- What rules do you want to have regarding your collaboration? (e.g. equal workload, deadlines met etc.
- Everyone will keep inside the timeline
- Everyone will get an equal workload
- Listen to others
- Encourage others ideas
- What will you do if these rules are not being followed?
We will talk as a group to make sure everyone is on track, start again with fresh ideas.
- Do you have any questions regarding the task that needs to be answered? Do you understand the requirements of the project?
the project seems quite clear.
- What goals for the task do you have for the group?
We hope to get everything done on time, completed to the best of our abilities, and hopefully exceed the expectations or do generally well on our evaluation marks.
- What will the final outcome or product look like and what information is needed to accomplish the task?
We take turns recording the information while two people are testing two different rod + material combinations at once. Our other person neutralizes the pith ball so one of the two ‘chargers’ can test their charge. It worked out pretty well and quite efficient.
- If you were to break down the task into manageable pieces, what would the timeline look like, considering when the project is due.
Testing will occur March 7th and job would be completed as follows;
- Maddy – Recorder
- Megan – Racer
- Emily – Racer
- Claire – Timer
All information and recorded data will be formatted and finished by the end of the day.
Everything will be completed and handed in, whether that be digitally or on paper on March 7th at 3 pm