What did you know about the Core Competencies before this activity? what did you learn?

Core competency reflection
Before this activity, I knew that there was 6 core competencies, communication, personal awareness and responsibility, creative thinking, critical thinking, personal and cultural identity. Before this activity, I knew that core competencies help develop skills as well as identify them as they grow and improve. I learned after this activity the detailed descriptions of each competency. Each competency has a specific skill set that can shape important life soft skills such as communication. I also learned that when applying skills such as core competencies there is always room to improve and develop them.

How can your knowledge of the core competencies help you in your school life? personal life?

Knowing about these core competencies will help in school and personal life aspects because acknowledging these skills will help you develop strategies to complete tasks and know what your skills are more successful In these types of environments. Such as communication skills, communication is a key tool in everyday life such as communicating with teachers, classmates, peers and family. Having effective communication skills could help you in the future when in a job interview.  An example from the activity that fell into the communication category would be Craig Kielburger because he used his personal resources to communicate his charity with important individuals that truly advocated for the cause.