3D Art 10
Week 1, Feb 1, 2023. Making an Edublog Page and Starting the Sgrafitto Tiles
- We did a scavenger hunt and made our Edublog page early this week. We made the tile from clay and learned a bunch of new terms/words on Thursday. We sketched our idea for the tile on Friday.
- My biggest struggle of the week is adjusting to a new setting and figuring out my Edublog. Another thing that was a struggle was trying to draw my tile while thinking of the opposite colour.
- I have successfully made my Edublog page and drawn my tile.
- My goal for next week is to successfully carve out the tile and hopefully document it next week on my Edublog without any problems.
Week 2, Feb 9, 2023. Carving the Scrafitto tile.
- This week we cut out the clay tile and painted black underglaze on top. Then we chalked the bottom of your drawing and transferred it to the tile. We also started to carve the colored parts out. We ended the week by learning more clay vocabulary.
- My biggest struggle was trying to carve of the thin lines out of the tile. I was scared to make a mistake because you can’t go back.
- My success this week was that I like the way my tile looks. It didn’t look too bad, I actually kind of like it.
- My goal for next week is to glaze it and document it. I also want to start the life below water project.
Feb 10, 2023, Week 2, Life Below Water Research
The animal I chose: Sea Otters
Threats to this creature:
There are many threats against these creatures like polution and desease but the most concerning and common in BC are oil spills. Sea otters have high metebolism and not enough insulating blubber making them having to rely on their fur for warmth. When oil spills happen they could loose food sources and there thermal protection. Oil spills pose a problem for many other fur-bearing mammals that rely on their fur for insulating ability because oil are hard to get of and dry. Many otters lose there ability to survive in harsh climates after oil spills and die from hypothermia.
Solutions to the threats:
Some solutions are to stop dumping oil in the water of oceans and seas. We could also stop poluting and make sure the water in the ocean and shores are clean of waste.
Week 3, Feb 16, 2023. Monster Mugs and Inquiry.
- This week was a mix of three things. Working on my long-term inquiry projects, glazing sgraffito tile, and working on our Monter mugs.
- My biggest struggle this week is the monster mug because every time I try to make it stand up it looks crooked. Every time I try to fix it I push it too much in the other direction so it looks crooked from the opposite side.
- My biggest success this week is completing my Sgrafitto tile, It feels like an accomplishment.
- My goal next week is to continue my inquiry project and finish my monster mug.
Week 3, Feb 16, 2023. Monster Mug Entry
My plan for this mug is to first make the shape of it one day, since it is a slab mug I will make it purposely ugly. Then on the second day, I will add the details like eyebrows, eyeballs, feet, hands, and beaks. After putting it in the kiln I plan to paint it with underglaze, I think my colour palette will be white, yellow, orange, red, and blue.
Week 3, Feb 17, 2023. Inquiry Project Planning.
What would you like to investigate/make as a term-long project?
I really want to make a dish/plate and bowl set for display. I plan to paint the outside black and the inside red or maybe a different colour to make it more unique. After that, I might want to do the water colour underglaze effect in the middle but I am not sure yet. I think that a small plate, 2 dipping plates, and a bowl would make it complete.
What do you need to get started?
I like to eat sushi and the place that my family and I go to has that red and black sushi plates. One reason why I want to make this is because I wanted to learn how to make a bowl from the pottery wheel. I also wanted to make a handmade plate from a mold.
How will you begin the project?
I only used the wheel once last year and it was because Mrs. Otey taught me but it turned out very ugly. Since then I found out that pottery is not as easy as it looks. A challenge I might face is failure or not being skilled enough to make something usable. Beforehand I plan to watch some pottery wheel videos to learn techniques that will help me.
Week 4, Feb 23, 2023. Monster Mugs
- This week I continued to work on my monster mug. On Tuesday I added the eyes and feet on the mug. On Wednesday I realized it was very ruff so I tried to soften up the features. This week is very short because Monday was Family day and Friday is Pro-D day.
- My biggest struggle this week is making the beak, It was really confusing for me to make. Another struggle was trying to fix my handle. I knew it wasn’t a very well-done handle but I found a very big crack on the handle after putting it in the slow during rack.
- My biggest success this week is being able to fix the handle with vinegar, or at least I think I fixed it.
- My goal for next week is to paint my monster mug and hopefully, when I check it again it won’t crack.
Week 5, March 2, 2023. Painting my monster mug with underglaze.
- This week I painted my mug with underglaze. I painted it with some odd colours but they all are not that dark and are a bit pastel. ( so far, not sure what it will look like when put into the kiln)
- My biggest struggle this week was having cracks on my handle. There is still a crack on my handle even though a used lots of vinegar.
- My biggest success this week is fixing my handle. I sed more vinegar and some slip. It turned out pretty good when it dried.
- My goal next week is to start or finish glazing it. Hopefully, I will have some time to work on my inquiry project.
Week 6, March 9th, 2023. Glazing mug and working on the life below water project
- This week I glazed my mug and started my sea otter for my life below water project. We are supposed to get sculpting done this week but as of today I have sculpted the shape of my sea otter but have not added any details yet. Unfortunately, I do not have any photos because I forgot to take pictures throughout the week and we had a stop gang life assembly in the cafeteria.
- My biggest struggle this week was sculpting the sea otter because 3D art is a lot more challenging than I anticipated. It still does not look like a sea otter but more like a blob with a head, feet, and arms.
- My biggest success this week is finishing off my monster mug without any major difficulties.
- I don’t have a goal for next week because this is the last week to spring break.
Week 7, March 30th, 2023. Working On Life Below Water
- My sea otter has been fired so I started to paint it with acrylic paint this week. I messed up at first but I learned to layer colors on the sculpture.
- My biggest struggle this week is trying to paint the sea otter. There was a lot of texture that made it look like fur but the acrylic paint covered it all. Also making it look realistic is a lot harder than it looks.
- I wouldn’t say that I had any successes this week but I was very happy that I didn’t cause any big problems.
- My goal for next week is to work a bit on my inquiry project and hopefully make my sea otter more realistic.
- Photo and Reference
Week 8, April 6th, 2023. Painting Life Below Water.
- For most of this week, I continued to paint my life below-water sculpture. I tried to make the black blobs around it look like oil spills. I also got to paint a cherry on one of my dipping bowls.
- My biggest struggle this week is trying to make my sculpture look realistic. Sometimes there would be random splotches of color on it which I have to paint over.
- My biggest success this week is not giving up. That is about it. the painting is going about right but there was no accomplishment.
- My goal for next week is to work on my inquiry more and hopefully finish my sea otter sculpture and write my artist statement.
Week 8, April 6th, 2023. Monster Mug
The Perfect Ugly Duckling Mug
Ceramic, Underglaze, Clear Glaze
June 2, 2023
Christy Zhou
For this assignment, we had to create a food-safe mug that looks like a creature or monster. I chose to make an ugly duck creature because I find them cute and I think it would be nice to make. The process I followed was, to make the mug with clay and put it in the kiln, paint it with underglaze, and lastly dip it into glaze. I understand that the assignment was to create a monster-like creature but the perfectionist inside me wanted to make it cute and perfect. As you can see, it did not turn out. The painting was rough and the clay was lumpy but surprisingly this fit the assignment requirements. In my opinion, it was perfect for the assignment but it is also very incredibly ugly in every way possible hence the name “The Perfect Ugly Duckling”.
Here are pictures from the process.
Week 9, April 13th, 2023, Finishing Sea Otter Sculpture.
- This week I finalized my sculpture and wrote my artist statement. I added last-minute touches to the eyes and fur.
- My biggest struggle this week is trying to figure out what to write for the artist statement. Since there I limited space I had to choose what would be the most meaningful to write.
- My biggest success this week is finishing the life below water sculpture. surprisingly it doesn’t look that bad but the rainbow oil spill is throwing me off.
- Next week I want to work on my inquiry project and make a good bowl. I practiced making bowls during the week in art club. I made 2 but the walls on the first one were too thin and on the second were too thin. Hopefully, the third time’s the charm.
Week 9, April 13th, 2023, Life Below Water Sculpture
Artist statement:
Sea Otter
April 13, 2023, Ceramics & Acrylics
Christy Zhou
There are many threats against these creatures but the most concerning in BC are oil spills due to the destruction of their insulating fur. In recent years sea otter populations have grown but they are still endangered animals.
Among other concerns like disease, pollution, or bycatch, oil spills remain the most significant threat. I presented this problem by creating puddles of oil around the sea otter with acrylic paint. Although we can’t prevent oil spills, we as regular people could make sure the water in the ocean and shores are clean of waste.
Week 10, April 20th, 2023. Working on Inquiry.
- This week I focused on smoothing and painting my bowl and a bit of my plate.
- My biggest struggle was sanding the bowl. It was already too dry when I went to scrap away the bottoms so I ended up with an unexpected foot on my bowl.
- My biggest success this week is not breaking the bowl when I was sanding it. I don’t feel successful this week because I barely did anything.
- Next week I hope to create a better bowl with more even walls.
Week 10, April 20th, 2023, Animal Mask Purpose
I chose the red panda as my animal because not only do I like this animal but I think we have some similarities in behavior too. Red pandas symbolize patience, independence, and nonchalance, it is the reason I want to look up to them. We share commonalities like being nocturnal(I am not nocturnal but I have a pretty messed up sleep schedule)and being mostly solitary.
Week 11, April 13th, 2023, Finishing Sea Otter Sculpture.
- This week I worked on the base of my animal mask. I used cardboard and tape to create the general shape.
- My biggest struggle this week is creating the shape with cardboard because I couldn’t get it to look like a red panda.
- My biggest success this week is not cutting my finger off completely with an exacto knife trying to cut the cardboard.
- Next week I want to start using paper mache to complete the base.
Week 12, May 4th, 2023. Paper Mache on Animal Mask.
- This week I remade my red panda mask because I didn’t like how it looked. I tore apart the old mask and made the mask more oval because the old one didn’t resemble a panda. I used paper mache to cover all the cracks and since the nose bridge was not big enough. I used tape and tin foil to heighten the snout
- My biggest struggle this week is still creating the shape with cardboard because I couldn’t get it to look like a red panda. I also didn’t enjoy the paper mache process because of the texture and the mess it creates.
- My biggest success this week is creating an okay snout. I struggled so much with this part because no matter how much I try, I am not satisfied with the shape of it.
- Next week I want to finish using paper mache to cover and smooth the cracks on the cardboard. I also want to create a satisfactory base for the mask.
Week 13, May 11th, 2023. Paper Mache and Clay.
- This week I covered all the cardboard I could with paper mache. I also made ceramic eyes and painted my bowl for inquiry.
- My biggest struggle this week is using paper mache. I find paper mache to be difficult to use because of the texture and consistency
- My biggest success this week is fulfilling my goal from last week which was to work with paper mache.
- My goal for next week is to finish painting my ceramic bowl.
Week 14, May 18, 2023, A Mix of Clay, Paper Mache Powder, and Painting.
- This week was casual painting, sculpting, and thinking. I painted my calico cat paint brush holder. I used the paper mache power to create the eyebags for the red panda mask. I found this really cute idea for a tuna can jewelry holder so I started making it. https://www.tiktok.com/@cocooonns/video/7213396722851040539?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7234581431972021765
- My biggest struggle is trying to make my mask look realistic. I had long decided that I want to go for more of a realistic look or at least a semi-realistic-looking mask and not a cartoon-themed one. Unfortunately, the mask looks like a joke.
- My biggest success this week is not ripping my hair out from the stress caused by making the mask. The calico cat paint brush holder looks funny but I am starting to like it.
- My goal is to finish the tuna can trinket holder and get it fired next week.
Week 15, May 25, 2023. Ceramic Trinket Holder.
- This week I was working on a clay trinket holder for my jewelry. I painted it with underglaze.
- My biggest struggle is my mistakes. I accidentally painted the whole life with clear glaze. I messed up.
- My biggest success this week is not ripping my hair out. The painting process for the underglaze was successful.
- My goal for next week is to hopefully fix my mistake.
Week 16, June 1st, 2023. Firing Clay and failure.
- This week was very chaotic for me because I worked on a lot of things and failed. I finished gluing on the fur and the red panda mask looks like a genetic mutation that a scientist captured in the dunes of a nuclear bomb site. I also dipped my small plate and tune can trinket holder in clear glaze.
- This week I messed up by breaking the teacup that I made. I don’t think I have a picture of it done. I was painting with underglaze when my hand slipped and it shattered on the ground like my heart.
- My biggest success is finally glazing my tuna can trinket holder.
- My goal for next week is to glaze my small bowl and not drop anything else.
Paper Mache Mask. June 6th, 2023
The Ugly Red Panda
Paper Mache, Cardboard, Ceramic, Fur, Acrylic Paint
June 6th, 2023
Christy Zhou
For this project, we had to create a mask with a cardboard base and paper mache. The animal or creature we chose reflects our inner self. We have the choice to cover it in fur or acrylic paint.
This creature I created was originally supposed to be a red panda. I chose the red panda because of its tendency to conserve its energy. I also really like red pandas for their wise way of living. Along the way something went wrong and I failed to capture the facial structure of a red panda and the color of the fur. The name of this piece came from the name of the children’s book “The Ugly Duckling”. The ugly duckling was bullied by others because of the way he looks and I feel like my red panda relates to him.
Week 17, June 8th, 2023. Finished and fired projects.
- This week I finished my paper mache clay project and I made a plate out of clay. The ceramic dipping plate and the bowl came out of the kiln.
- My biggest struggle this week is thinking of something to write on my Edublog. Also, I am scared that I won’t finish my inquiry project on time. A struggle that has nothing to do with this class is painting the elderly mug. I want it to look good for my elder and I wanted to paint the ocean but so far it looks more like “water with snow on it”.
- My biggest success this week is finally finishing my red panda paper mache mask.
- My goal for next week is to start firing and glazing all my remaining inquiry project plates.
Week 18, June 15th, 2023. Glaze and Underglaze Week.
- This week I painted my coaster for my elderly and my plates with underglaze and overglaze. This whole week was basically just me painting the plates with layers of underglaze. I also spent some time making a painting pallet and mini cup for painting with clay.
- My biggest struggle is the broken lid. The lid for the tuna can trinket jar broke. I used well bond to glue it back together but it looks really tacky and odd.
- My biggest success is fulfilling the goal I made for myself to finish under-glazing and clear glazing all my little plates and ceramic pieces. I am just waiting for the kiln now.
- My goal for next week is to hopefully wrap everything up.
Week 19, June 22, 2023. Attempt to wrap everything up
- This week I tried to wrap all my projects up by glazing everything and firing them afterward. I also wanted to finish painting the paint palette so it can go in the kiln but it broke AGAIN so it won’t be done on time.
- My biggest struggle is trying to fix the giant crack on the palette. No matter what I use it keeps breaking, it seems like it is doomed to fail.
- My biggest success is finishing my inquiry project. It feels nice to finish a long-term project.
- This is the last week of school. I don’t know if I can but I still want to finish the ceramic paint palette.
Week 19, June 22, 2023. Inquiry Product.