January 2024 archive

Core competencies Reflection – Semester 1 (Jan 2024)


Course :_____French 10_____________________

Name : _______Christy Zhou____________________


PDF of Core Competencies https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/sites/curriculum.gov.bc.ca/files/pdf/competencies/sub-competencies-and-profiles.pdf


1. Strength: Copy and paste one or more core competencies and explain how you showed strength in this area. Use specific examples from the course as evidence.

I feel like my strength in this course is collaboration. I showed my collaboration skills while working on the mini-scenarios. We were in groups, and we had to come up with a scenario that depicted an aspect of French culture. My group was able to bounce around our ideas and share our opinions with each other. In the future, I want to continue developing my collaboration skills with my peers in French.



2. Area for Growth: Copy and paste one or more core competencies and explain how you could grow in this area. Use specific examples from the course as evidence.

I feel like I could grow in the communication competency. I feel like I am unable to properly express my opinion in French. During the Project final-la musique presentation, I had to state my opinion of the song. I only wrote very basic responses because I wanted to use my skills instead of Google Translate. In the future, I want to be able to construct full and descriptive sentences and say them in the proper pronunciation.

Desmos Art Functions Card 2023 Hubbard

My Desmos Card

This is my Desmos functions art project. To figure out the type of equation I had to use, I made an example paper to identify the 7 types of functions and compared the shapes I wanted to the examples. I had many challenges because sometimes the equation didn’t work out. When that happened I went to Mrs. Hubbard and asked for help. Initially, I didn’t know how to connect most of the functions perfectly, so I asked many questions. As I began working on this project more I eventually got the hang of it. When unsure about an equation, my strategy is to look at the equations Mrs. Hubbard helped me with to replicate it. This assignment helped me understand how to make functions move on the y and x axis. I understood more about the center point of the functions and how they move when I change the Y and X values.