Life Below Water Research

Feb 10, 2023, Week 2

The animal I chose: Sea Otters

Threats to this creature:

There are many threats against these creatures like polution and desease but the most concerning and common in BC are oil spills. Sea otters have high metebolism and not enough insulating blubber making them having to rely on their fur for warmth. When oil spills happen they could loose food sources and there thermal protection. Oil spills pose a problem for many other fur-bearing mammals that rely on their fur for insulating ability because oil are hard to get of and dry. Many otters lose there ability to survive in harsh climates after oil spills and die from hypothermia.

Solutions to the threats:

Some solutions are to stop dumping oil in the water of oceans and seas. We could also stop poluting and make sure the water in the ocean and shores are clean of waste.

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