TOKTW day 2022

HCE 9 TOKTW Written Report 

Name: Christy Zhou  

Stream: 12 

Class: 2026 

Due: November 16th, 2022  

You will be observing your host throughout the day. Your assignment is to interview your host at some point and record the results. After the day is finished, reflect upon your experience and answer the reflection questions.  

Name of your host: Jianrong Zhou 

Relationship to you: Parent/Dad 

The Interview: (ask your host these questions)  

  1. What is your job title?

Senior Designer- Fire Protection 

  1. What is your job description?

The Senior Designer is a team player with the ability to receive and execute instructions from the Project Manager/Team Leader with minimal supervision. The incumbent is responsible for directing and supervising Junior and Intermediate Designers within their team.  

  1. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job?
  • Maintain design files 
  • Fire Protection schematic design layout and final design with minimal supervision 
  • Perform hydraulic calculation as per NFPA standards 
  • Ensure Integral design checklist is being followed 
  • Ensure Integral AutoCAD and Revit Standards are being followed 
  • Prepare or confirm all equipment selections using Integral selection procedures 
  • Coordinate fire suppression requirements with other disciplines involved in the project design team (i.e. Architects, Structural Consultants, Civil Consultants, Electrical Consultants, Mechanical Consultants, Code Consultants, etc.) 
  • Co-ordinate or confirm service requirements/connections with the respective utility and/or municipal agencies 
  • Attend project progress meetings, provide updates for Project Manager and/or Principal-in-Charge (Including field reviews to monitor project construction status) 
  • Attend field reviews/meetings with clients as necessary 
  • Review/supervise drafting, prepare/review markups 
  • Assist with fee proposal preparation 
  • Maintain client relations


  1. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas: 
  2. a) training? 
  • Training on new fire protection equipment and the experience are listed below. 
  1. b) education?
  • Professional Engineer (PEng), Engineering Licensee (Eng.L.), Applied Science Technologist (AScT), or EIT designations are highly preferred 
  • I have a bachelor’s degree for mechanical engineering 
  1. c) experience? 
  •  Minimum 2 years AutoCAD experience coupled with 5+ years design experience in Fire Protection systems and hydraulic calculations as per NFPA standards 
  • I have 5 years’ work experience in the field and am experienced in AutoCAD and Revit software 


  1. d) skills and attributes (personal qualities)?
  • Schematic design, equipment selection and understanding of AutoCAD – Technical Proficiency 
  • Hydraulic Calculations – Technical Proficiency 
  • Organization and coordination 
  • Communication Skills 
  • Coaching 
  • Accurate & Detail Oriented 
  • Decision-Making & Problem Solving 
  • Dependable 
  • Adaptable 
  • Delegation & Supervisory Skills 
  • Coordination & Production Scheduling 
  • Teamwork


  1. What are some of the things you like about the job?

I enjoy working with my team and the peaceful environment I work in. 

  1. What are some of the things you dislike about this job? 

It requires me to spend too much time in Infront of the screen. Long-term behavior can lead to damaging your eyes.  

  1. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? 

Since this job is about designing, I anticipate that in the future it will change along with technology. Whether it is different sprinkler systems or different software programs.  


Student Reflections: 1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):  

  1. a) It is stable, and the job won’t disappear in the future. I won’t have to worry too much as opposed to careers no one has heard of.
  2. b) It doesn’t require too much school, in comparison to careers like doctors, lawyers, surgeons, et cetera. The schooling is a fair amount, a minimum of 4 years.
  3. c) It’s not dangerous like a firefighter or a police officer and you do not need to move. Most things are online, so it doesn’t matter if you stay home or go to the office.


  1. Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific): 
  2. a) It doesn’t really spark my interest, not that it is a bad job, but it is a typical office job. Even though that is what a part of me wants I think maybe I want something that is more hands-on like a dentist or a surgeon. I guess what I am trying to say is that it’s a bit boring for me and I want to move around a bit more.
  3. b) Too much exposure to computers. I was always told that it is not good to sit in front of a screen all day but what could I do if I was paid to do so? I know that today many careers now also revolve around technology and computer screens, but it seems too Not saying my eyesight is good, compared to others it is not so good but if I sit in front of a screen all day it isn’t going to get any better, is it?
  4. c) Salary, it’s not bad, lots of other benefits but I want to be someone with more breaks and holidays, like a teacher maybe.


  1. Is this job for you? Why or why not? 

I am not sure yet. On one hand, yes, I can visualize myself doing this in the future, it seems the most realistic. On the other hand, no, it isn’t what I really want. It seems too soon to decide even if I only have a few years left if I can I want to major in something a little more smarty-pants like a doctor, lawyer, dentist, etc.   


  1. Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary (after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?). 

Take your kids to work day is like going into the future for a day. For one whole day you get to go somewhere you have never been to see the future. Since working is not so distant anymore, I have thought about post-secondary plans. I have considered studying the same thing as my father so maybe he could help, and it isn’t a bad career at all. Although I didn’t get to do anything today, I now have a little idea of what it is like. Just to be clear, the reason I didn’t participate in the activities was not that I didn’t want to, it was because I know nothing about this field. 

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