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Digital 2023

How might your digital footprint impact your high school experience? 


Your Digital footprint can really affect your high school experience because it can affect how they see the person or feel about us when they do find something on the internet about us. Digital footprint is a trail of data that we leave behind when using the internet and devices or a collection of data that exists because of our action and communication online that can have traced back to us. Once it is on the internet it is on there permanently. This includes online purchases, the website we visit, social media post, emails we have sent, information shared with online service, and/or the things we remove. Whether you delete it or thought you did, there is data out there no matter what you do it stays there even if you have removed it years before. Just knowing things from the internet can come back years later and it will either ruin or save you mentally or emotionally. It can come up in the future and will affect your future business, relationships, reputation, and your high school experience. For example; You might have posted something on social media years back good or bad and thinking nobody will ever see or remember it in the future. You forget about it because it has been years and its finally time for high school and start a new beginning, a new chapter of your life and give the best first impression on everyone. Until someone like a friend, or a student finds something all the way back years ago that you forgot about whether you posted it as a joke, an accident, or on purpose. They will either keep it for themselves or tell everyone and it will spread like wildfire, and there is a chance they will end up telling it person by person. You may even remember what you did and decide to tell another person and to ask them not to tell anyone. It is possible they will keep it to themselves but there is also a possibility they will tell another person and that person will tell another person, and it goes on. Again, whether it is good or bad this can happen. It will affect how the students, teachers, or counselors see you or feel about you. Not everyone will think the same but there will be people who will see or think badly or better about you.  


How can your phone have a positive and negative impact on your learning? 

How can high school student’s phones have a positive and negative impact on the students learning? It can impact us sometimes positively and negatively both at the same time. Like the video said, “the game candy crush as you play the game you achieve more goals causing your brain to be rewarded burst of dopamine, and eventually you are rewarded with updated content. This novelty also gives a little burst of dopamine and together creates what is known as ‘compulsion loop’.” It is the same with learning something digitally. You learn new things from school every day. For instance; In my English class, I have the option to either write it on paper or type it on a computer/phone when the teacher assigns an assignment to write a 200 word about this or that. I chose to write it digitally like on Word because it is easier for me to type than write 200 words by hand. As a type I also learn new things as there are so many options such as a sample how you want the font to be, where you want it aligned on the page, how big the font size should be, things like that. You learn something new every hour on this app/website if you really take your time too. It also helps me fix my spelling mistakes, my grammar errors, my vocabulary errors, etc. That is the positive side of learning something on your phone or computer. It helps me with grades and to know and speak English language better. The negative part with you using your phone and affecting your learning is when you use your phone before going to bed. The people who use their phone to read, watch videos, or play games at night are the people who have the hardest time falling asleep and produce less melatonin. If students keep doing this cycle every night for the past years or upcoming years, it can really affect how they are learning. Like I said, if they do go on their phones every night and make it part of their daily routine, especially at a school night, they would have lack of sleep and they would be tired the next day for school. When you are tired, you would be either half-asleep, sleep-in class, sleep in, and/or you will not be able to focus because on how tired you are too even pay attention. You would miss a lot in that lesson. What if you had a test that day or the upcoming week and you did not know what you were doing because last night, you were up all night on your phone forgetting or not you had a test the next day and instead of studying they do other things on their phone like watch TikTok or scroll on Instagram. Because it is so addicting that you forget how time flies by too fast. Phones can change how your brain function good and badly.  


What attributes or characteristics do you have that can contribute to a positive school culture? 

  • Respect, Trust, Kindness, Confidence, and Loyalty. I chose this because it is the most common, yet the base of learning communities, culture, people, anything, or anyone in the world. Respect: You need to have respect for others if you want them to respect you. It is common sense. It is not just for school but everywhere. Respect your parents, friends, grandparents, strangers, everyone, even yourself. It sets healthy boundaries and relationships with everyone you give respect to. Trust: If you have respect, you can have trust. Being and knowing your trustworthy is the best feeling you can ever think about. Trust in school culture is one of the most important things out there. Like I said before, if you tell someone or anyone your secret. First, make sure you can trust them. Second, telling someone your secret can be a big step and it is a sign that you trust them. Third, if someone ever tells you a secret, make sure to respect them, say nothing rude or mean, if they ask you to not tell anybody they will appreciate you so much if you do as they say, and you will be known as a trustworthy person. This is just one example of there are so many more things you can earn trust or be trusted. Kindness: Be kind to Teachers, Students, Counceller’s, Janitors, Everyone at school. You give what you receive. If you are kind to others, they will be kind to you too. If they are not that is completely fine if the students or anyone are physically and mentally okay. But always try to be because everyone is still healing from things they do not speak about. Confidence; Being confident might be hard to do but you can build it up step by step. Being confident can help public speaking, making friends, meeting new people, and can help you socially. Inclusive: Including others and/or as they say being inclusive can make others feel grateful for you. You might not know if you include others, it could change their lives. It could build up their confidence as well. Finally, Loyalty: It helps build trust, helps from better relationships and friendships, and makes you commit better. Loyalty is a quality that strengthens bonds between people and can create lasting relationships. If you are loyal to students, or to anyone at all. You can build Trust, Respect, Kindness, and Confidence all at once. Being loyal is the first and best thing I could and will ever achieve. Being loyal has made such a good impact on me and the people around me. If students can be loyal to one another this year it will be a good year for Freshmans. I think these five characteristic things and attributes can help the school culture be the best version of it.