Revision Essay

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Two things I could improve on would be to make separate paragraphs and work on my conflict.
Two things I did well on was expressing my emotions and using rhyme in the beginning.


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Poetic devices

(“Click, Click, Click”) (onomatopoeia)

(“Little did I know the answer was near: it was right in the clear”) (rhyme)

(“Her bow: bluer and purer than a mountain, cold, heartless,” (personification)

(“One stormy dark night as the moon shines bright”(imagery)

(“Respectively, bottom. middle, and top”) (Rule of 3)




Fractured poetry BKC


”there was this beautiful glass bridge in the sky”

”I went on vacation to China this summer to visit family and friends. I also went sightseeing. I went to tour the birthplace of my parents”

experience, heaven and beautiful

i chose these  words because they sum up the whole story and they are powerful as u can feel what the story is about. the vacation i went on were an experience, it was heaven and it was beautiful. This tells me that you don’t need a lot of words or a long story to tell a good poem. I learned that a short sentence or a couple of words can be as good as a phrase


it was like heaven

experience gratefulness

beautiful pleasure