Microsoft Excel

1.My project was to play the lemonade stand game on cool math and then everyday we have to write down how much money we spent and how much we earned.

2.I learned how to add codes to the boxes so if i change one box it will change the other box to\

3.I’m proud of how I added added different codes which made it a lot faster for me to write in my progress


Photoshop Project

1.My project was to turn a normal scene into my own scene, adding images to blend in to the scene, and also trying to hide some pictures in the scene

2.I learned a variety of things but the thing i found that helped me the most was Burning, which is a tool that makes whatever your choose Darker, which helped me because my scene was dark.

3.I am proud if how i fitted everything to blend in to the scene by using a variety of tools that i learned


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