October 2016 archive

Digital Footprint

A digital footprint is a trail of everything you have done on the internet, good and bad. Having a digital footprint can be beneficial but can also be a disadvantage. The downside of having one is if you commented on a photo and you said something mean people can still trace it back. Even if you were young and you weren’t thinking you can’t delete it. You can delete it from being seen on that post but it is still out there for the public to see. When you are interviewing for a job the employers will search you up and they can see all of things you have said on the internet. If they saw something they don’t like and they don’t want their company to represented by you could be eliminated from a possible job.
Keeping a clean digital footprint is necessary to have a bright future. One way you can create a respectable trail is by not commenting on photos that you don’t need to. You might have an inside joke with that friend ad they won’t care about what you say but others may find it offensive. Another way is to think about what you are googling because what you type into you search engine is also recorded. If you wouldn’t want others to know what you are searching it probably isn’t the greatest. The last way is to think before you post. Say to yourself “Would I want a close family member (parents, grandparents etc.) to see this?” If the answer is no don’t hit post.
By letting others know how your digital footprint can affect your future I think it would make people think twice when they are about to post or comment on something.

Science App Review

Dream: I would like to find an app that lets me to science experiments at home without me having to get the actual supplies I need. But I also want to learn about the materials I amusing so hopefully there will be some facts.

The app I chose to use is Kids Science Games by Ehtasham Haq. I found this game very user friendly as it is not to busy or hard to figure out. The games were fun and easy to follow along with. However, the app was a bit glitchy and touchy at times so I think some people would get frustrated by that. While I was doing the experiments educational facts would pop up which told me why I was using something and what it does.
I thought this was great because it is a game parents can give this to their kids to play and they would be learning at the same time. But for grade 9 students I think it’s a bit to colourful and cartoonish. The experiments could have had more steps for an older age group. What I think would make the app better is by adding age groups so they can have for simple games for younger kids and more complicated experiments for older users.
This app would also be great for people that don’t have all the supplies at home that they need to complete labs. The app covers a range of subjects like chemistry, physics and electricity.
Overall I thought the app was interesting and well designed but not for an older age group.