P.E. Self-Assesment Final

FINAL Self-Progress Report

Physical and Health Education

Riverside Secondary


Self-Assessment for: Chloe                                                                          



  Emerging Developing Proficient Extending
Prepared – I attend all classes and arrive on time with my PE clothes and running shoes.     X  
Effort – I put out my full effort during class activities including the warm-up.     X  
Respect – I am respectful to my teacher and listen during instructions. I am considerate to my classmates.       X
Responsibility – I don’t need the teacher to keep me on task, honest or motivated.       X
Leadership – I am a leader. I look for ways to encourage others and offer help.     X  



  Emerging Developing Proficient Extending
My fitness level, based on the daily warm up activities, fitness days and the Fitness Test     X  



  Emerging Developing Proficient Extending
Sport knowledge/rules of badminton, basketball, weight training, dance, paddle tennis     X  
Personal Health and Wellness Plan     X  



  Emerging Developing Proficient Extending
badminton, basketball, weight training, dance, paddle tennis     X  


What are your strengths in P.E.?

My strengths in PE are:

–          Keeping my partners motivated

–          Pushing myself to do my best

–          Helping to set up equipment




How is your effort in the course?  Do you feel you are improving?  Why or why not?

I believe that I tried my best and put lots of effort into activities. I also feel like I am improving my stamina and how well I can do our exercises.




What is something you find challenging in this course?  Describe how you can work on this.  You may use this challenge to create goals below.

Motivation can be challenging but if you have a partner that can cheer you on, you can create motivation to do the activities





Describe 3 goals you would like to achieve in this class before the end of the semester?


1.      I would like to improve even more in fitness tests


2.      Improve how long I can last doing an exercise without a break


3.      I would like to show more leadership


What strategies can you use in achieving your goals?


I can do a physical activity almost every day to get stronger and I can improve my social skills to improve my leadership as well.





Student Self Progress Report

Self-Assessment for       



  Emerging  Developing  Proficient  Extending 
Prepared – I attend all classes and arrive on time with my PE clothes and running shoes.       X  
Effort – I put out my full effort during class activities including the warm-up.       X  
Respect – I am respectful to my teacher and listen during instructions. I am considerate to my classmates.         X
Responsibility – I don’t need the teacher to keep me on task, honest or motivated.         X
Leadership – I am a leader. I look for ways to encourage others and offer help.       X  



  Emerging  Developing  Proficient  Extending 
My fitness level, based on the daily warm up activities, fitness days and the Fitness Test       X  



  Emerging   Developing  Proficient  Extending 
Sport knowledge/rules of Volleyball, Football, Track and Field, Hockey, Ultimate, Softball       X  
Personal Health and Wellness Plan       X  



  Emerging  Developing  Proficient  Extending 
Volleyball, Football, Track and Field, Hockey, Ultimate, Softball skills       X  

 What are your strengths in PE?

 Encouraging my running partner and trying my best to learn new sports.


How is your effort in the course?  Do you feel you are improving?  Why or why not? 

 I think I’m putting in most of my effort but not all. I feel like I am improving though because ever since I started PE 9, I have felt so much stronger and it has been easier to run for long periods.




What is something you find challenging in this course?  Describe how you can work on this.  You may use this challenge to create goals below. 

 I find the running a little bit challenging since I’m not really used to running a lot.




Describe 3 goals you would like to achieve in this class before the end of the semester? 


  1. I want to improve how much effort I’m putting into gym.


  1. I want to exercise outside of school to do my best in gym.


  1. I want to improve my stamina.


What strategies can you use in achieving your goals?  

 I can exercise outside of school and just keep putting more effort instead of enough.