“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Narrative

When he woke up, he saw himself looking up the sky and thought.

“That was a good dream, I had for so long!” Feeling proud and disdainful, he stood up and saw a crowd surrounding him and his wife moving through the crowd worried.

“Walter Mitty! What are you doing, lying on the floor! Why don’t you be an actor!” Mrs. Mitty nagging furiously. She held his hand like she was holding her son’s hand and began walking through the crowd, covering her face.

As they were walking towards the parking lot, all of a sudden, there was a commotion across the street.

“My bag! Someone please get my bag!” A middle-aged woman started yelling as a pickpocket ran with her bag. Walter Mitty, let go of his wife’s hand and began chasing him. As he was chasing this inscrutable man, the crowd was cheering, their clothes looking haggard, and perspiration drenching the atmosphere. He saw himself as Jesse Owens. Competing against Carl Lewis, Michael Johnson and many others on the incomparable race ever in 1936 Summer Olympics. He felt like a flash running in almost a light speed. He could feel his legs light as a feather, as he gets closer to the finish line, the crowd got louder and louder and the race was over. Many cameras were facing him. Interviewers interviewing him. He saw himself first on the podium. As he was panting fast, he saw himself holding a bag, the pickpocket on the floor, people staring at him and his wife running towards him.

His wife slapped him angrily and started nagging at him, feeling proud inside. “Walter Mitty! You think you are a hero? I was so worried for you!” As Walter Mitty handed the bag to the old women, the crowd applauded. Walter Mitty felt like a hero in his childhood comic book. He stood glorious and proud.

“Walter Mitty! Quit standing there and hurry up!” Mrs. Mitty criticizing. Walter Mitty ran to his wife. The sun was setting as he and his wife walked down the street towards the parking lot.


Week 5 – Factoring Polynomial Expressions

Factoring Polynomial is a chapter that comes after Radical chapter. It shares the same law as the Radical chapter. However, in this chapter we are breaking the radical forms by factoring it. Most of the questions consist of factoring trinomial, determining if a given binomial is a factor of a given trinomial and etc…  Rationalizing, conjugating, and foiling is used in this chapter.

For example,

X²-4 = ( X+2)( X-2)

In this equation, I basically used the method of conjugating and rationalizing by cancelling positive and negative 2x as I know that X times 2 is 2X and X times -2 is -2X which cancels out when added together.

Week 4 – Radicals

In finding radicals, we use addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

When adding and subtracting, the coefficient are combined when the radicand are the same. The strategies for simplifying polynomials can be used to simplify sums and differences of radicals

For example,

√3 + 2√7 + 4√3 = √3 + 4√3 + 2 √7 = 5√3 + 2 √7

When multiplying a radical, foiling is necessary

For example,

a√b * c√d = ac√bd

When dividing a radical, conjugating is necessary

No √ in denominator.

For example, \frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} = \frac{2\sqrt{3}}{3} as we multiply √3 on denominator

It is always important to simplify and removing square from radicand. It is going to make it easier to calculate.

Plot Point Photo Compilation

This project is based on the short story “Father and Son” by Bernard McLaverty. This story was set in 20th century during Irish Civil War. The main characters, Father and Son has a very bad relationship and has been arguing ever since son got home from London. Son has been missing for 2 years until the police called his father. Ever since then, father has been worried about son’s health and behaviour and tried talking to him but never worked. The situation gets worse; having his son killed by his “friends”. Father gets surprised that his son was killed and has to face mournful situation; his dead son around his arm.

1) Exposition

“I hear him not eating anything, going about the kitchen with a stomach full of wind.”
“This is my son who let me down. I love him so much it hurts but he won’t talk to me “

The first quote was the son describing how his father is falling apart. The Second quote was describing how the father feels the son is letting him down. This shows that both of them have certain expectations for the other and both feel the other isn’t doing their part.

2) Initiating Incident
“What do you be doing out to this time?”
“Not again”
“Answer me.”
“Who with?”
“Friends. Just go to bed, Da, will you?”
“what do you talk about?”
“Nothing much.”
“Talk to me, son.”
“What about?”

In the story, this argument is what initiated/escalated the tension between the father and the son. It shows a lack of communication between the two.

3) Rising Action
“Your fingers, orange with nicotine”
“A breakfast of two Valium and the rest of them rattling in your pocket, walking down the street to your work.”

These quotes were thoughts that were going through the heads of the son and the father. The first quote shows how the father knows that his son is addicted to nicotine. The second quote is how the son knows his father is addicted to drugs. This shows that both of them knew that the other had problems but none of them were willing to put their egos aside and were willing to help each other. This led to even more escalation.

4) Rising Action
Let me put my arm around your shoulders and let me listen to what is making you thin.

Dad wants to know what conflict his son is having inside and tries to help him out but son doesn’t want to hear his dad out. This leads to arguments son and dad have in the future

5) Rising Action
“My son with friends. Talking. What he does not do with me.”

This was the last incident before the climax. The son brought in his friends and it caused a major shift in the story.

6) Climax
“There is a bang. A dish cloth drops from my hand and I run to the kitchen door.

The father heard a bang while washing dishes and the bang indicated that something had gone down with his son and his son’s friends.

7) Falling Action

“I take my son’s limp head in my hands and see a hole in his nose that shouldn’t be there.”

The father had noticed his son on the ground and now is seeing a gunshot wound on his son’s nose, judging from where he was seconds before. His friends probably shot him in the nose.

8) Denouement

“My son, let me put my arms around you,”

This was the final action that took place in the short story. The father seemed to be saddened by his son being on the floor lying there as he got shot in the nose and is most likely deceased at this point

Week 3 – Absolute Value

Absolute Value of a real number is defined as the principal square root of the square of a number.

For example,

-2 and 2 located 2 units from 0.

So, each number has an absolute value of 2.

|-2| =2

|2| =2

Absolute Value can be used to determine distance between two points

For example,

3-(-4) = 7, -4-3=-7

Since the distance cannot be negative, we rewrite the distance as an absolute value

|3-(-4)|=7, |-4-3|=7

The distance between two numbers on a number line is the absolute value of their difference.

We know that |a-b|=|b-a|

Michael Foster from the short story “Two Fisherman” by Morley Callaghan is a young newspaper reporter of a small town who has the ambition of becoming the good citizen of the small town he lives in by keeping good relationships with the town. Michael Foster; tall, long-legged Caucasian guy who has a really good American accent, seemed like a middle-class man. Having a good social skills, his connections with people is strong. Michael Foster is a “eager young fellow, who wanted to go to the city some day and work on an important newspaper” (Callaghan 1), where he had to meet the hangman privately for the interview.

“As Michael rowed the boat around to the boathouse, he hoped that Smitty wouldn’t realize he didn’t want to be seen walking back to town with him” (Callaghan 3) as he felt that the town people would give him negative reputation for he and Smitty being together. Smitty, being so kind and timid, has a terrible reputation among the town people for being a hangman and got his reputation worsened for hanging Thomas Delaney. Michael Foster fears of getting judged by the town people and his attitude towards Smitty is very neutral when being around with a group of people. However, he is very cautious, sociable, friendly, resourceful, motivated and well-respected person.

Week 2-Infinite Geometric Series

Infinite Geometric Series focuses on finding the sum of an infinite geometric series

The rules of this chapter is that


r is r<-1 or r>1, it has no answer as the graph is diverging which means that the sum is getting bigger in positive and negative ways.

In other case,

r is -1<r<1, it has sum but the graph gets smaller.

For example…

8 + 2 + 0.5 + 0.125 + …

The common ratio is \frac {1}{4}

The formula used to find the answer is

S∞ = \frac {a}{(1-r)}

So, the answer would be 10.666666666… as S∞ = \frac{10}{1-(\frac{-2}{3})} =6

In this chapter, it is very important to identify the range of the “r” value.

Capital punishment in “Two Fishermen”

Capital Punishment is a law used to execute criminals who have committed a crime. Canada have banned this law in 1976 and replaced with 25 years of life sentence. However, this law still exist in Canadian National Defence Act for more serious military offences. The last execution was in 1962.

In the short story the ‘Two Fishermen’, Thomas Delaney was charged with execution for murdering Matthew Rhinehart, who molested Thomas Delaney’s wife. I believe Matthew Rhinehart has to be the one who has to be charged for the crime. Thomas Delaney basically died as a hero. I believed Matthew Rhinehart is the one who have done wrong as sexual assault is a huge crime. One could say Thomas Delaney was the one who committed bigger crime as he murdered a man, but he had no choice of killing him while conflicting. Matthew Rhinehart is a trash of the society as he have no respect for women and I believe Thomas Delaney have done something right for the society. His action and mistake have lead to execution and I feel pity for Thomas Delaney and his wife. This event might be one of unforgettable moment for his wife.

Week 1-My Arthmetic Sequence

In this week, we have learned about sequence and series which basically is finding a pattern with common difference with before and after numbers. For example,

  1. t_1=3
  2. t_2=-1
  3. t_3=-5
  4. t_4=-9
  5. t_5=-13

We can know from here that the common difference is -4 and we can know that the first number which is t_1 is 3.

Sum of all 50 numbers S_{50} would be 4850 as t_{50} is -193 and when we apply n=50, t_{50} which is -193 and t_1 which is 3, into Sn=\frac{n}{2}({t_1}+{t_n}) , S_{50} would be equavalent to 4850

It is important to have no calculation mistake in this chapter as it might affect greatly on our resultant value