Michael Foster from the short story “Two Fisherman” by Morley Callaghan is a young newspaper reporter of a small town who has the ambition of becoming the good citizen of the small town he lives in by keeping good relationships with the town. Michael Foster; tall, long-legged Caucasian guy who has a really good American accent, seemed like a middle-class man. Having a good social skills, his connections with people is strong. Michael Foster is a “eager young fellow, who wanted to go to the city some day and work on an important newspaper” (Callaghan 1), where he had to meet the hangman privately for the interview.

“As Michael rowed the boat around to the boathouse, he hoped that Smitty wouldn’t realize he didn’t want to be seen walking back to town with him” (Callaghan 3) as he felt that the town people would give him negative reputation for he and Smitty being together. Smitty, being so kind and timid, has a terrible reputation among the town people for being a hangman and got his reputation worsened for hanging Thomas Delaney. Michael Foster fears of getting judged by the town people and his attitude towards Smitty is very neutral when being around with a group of people. However, he is very cautious, sociable, friendly, resourceful, motivated and well-respected person.

Week 2-Infinite Geometric Series

Infinite Geometric Series focuses on finding the sum of an infinite geometric series

The rules of this chapter is that


r is r<-1 or r>1, it has no answer as the graph is diverging which means that the sum is getting bigger in positive and negative ways.

In other case,

r is -1<r<1, it has sum but the graph gets smaller.

For example…

8 + 2 + 0.5 + 0.125 + …

The common ratio is \frac {1}{4}

The formula used to find the answer is

S∞ = \frac {a}{(1-r)}

So, the answer would be 10.666666666… as S∞ = \frac{10}{1-(\frac{-2}{3})} =6

In this chapter, it is very important to identify the range of the “r” value.