20% Project – Part 5

This is the last week before Christmas break and therefore to keep things at a steady pace, we spraypainted most of our armor pieces today with silver. As of now I’m debating whether or not to bring the project home in order to finish some pieces, as well as work on the cowl to glue that together in order to finish it. I’d like to do a test-fitting over the break in order to see what the suit would function and work like – this is the time where I either have to drop some of the design and replace it with other variations of his suit, or keep it if it works.

20% Project – Part 4

Today we borrowed Romani’s hot glue gun in order to piece some of the suit together, at the end of all however we were only able to piece the biceps together. I may need straps in order to amplify movements in the shoulder area as well as the chest pieces, I don’t believe that cardboard would work to piece the suit, as it’ll cause more hinderance to my movement as opposed to not.

Physics News #5 – Firefighter Car Crash



Around 7:30 am on Sunday morning a pickup truck and a minivan collided with each other, at 8:30 am on the same day a jeep collided with a semi-trailer killing a person, presumably a firefighter. This relates to physics with the force required to collide with one object and another, but I’ll just calculate only one force:


F =ma, assuming the mass of one car is 1500 and the acceleration is around 50mi/hr we can calculate how many newtons the car had before impact.


F = (1500)(50)

F = 75000N

20% Project – Part 3

What we accomplished today is tracing the templates for the cowl onto cardboard. The way we did that was by looking at the ‘Telltale’ version of the cowl and free-handing and tracing, at the end of the class we were able to test-fit some pieces by using tape. Overall I believe the suit is coming along nicely and right-on-track, however what I’m worried about mostly are the leg pieces and if I can find a way draw them – considering their size. Next week I would like to start gluing some pieces together and then afterwards, start spray-painting. I still have yet to find a way to cut out my phone gauntlet, considering the measurements and angles I’d need to make it a snug fit..

20% Project – Part 2

Today we started working on tracing the outline of the pieces of the suit onto cardboard and we ended up cutting out some of the pieces needed. Also, I’ve started to look into the design for the cowl as well as the gauntlet that would strap in a cell phone for easy-use in conventions or wherever, as opposed to simply keeping it in a bag. The idea for the cowl is to make it so that it can receive calls and work as an earpiece, much like to how it’s seen in the ‘Nolan’ trilogy and the ‘Arkham’ games. Not only that, but so the phone can receive a purpose by answering the calls and doing other things. Another design aspect I’d like, is to incorporate LED eyes somehow into the cowl – however it’s not a necessity.

20% Project – Part 1

So basically for the 20% project our goal is to create a functioning, practical batsuit that can be accesible to our devices and add more of a high-tech purpose rather than just being cardboard. Our main inspiration for a lot of this suit draws to the comics as well as the movies, we want to maintain some armor as well as some movement in the suit without resorting to gluing it onto the fabric. The suit, at the end, should resemble the following pieces – with some changes:

Hopefully at the end of things, it’ll transcend into our own iteration of what The Batman should look like.


Physics News #1 (Redo): Car Crash


A car accident occured this morning in Sherwood Park, causing one death and three more injuries. Both cars collided when one of them drove through a red light. This relates to Physics as we can determine how fast the car was going at the time it sped through the red light, and figuring out the force it would need to hit and kill one of the passengers in the other vehicle.