

I chose this article because I’m in love with the idea of love. To me, love is this beautiful, alienating, unforgiving concept that pumps through our veins and shows us what it really means to be human. It’s this feeling inside of someone that causes them to grab all logic, doubt and fear that they have, and just throw it out the window. It’s this entity that you want to wake up to the next day, regardless of how last night went. The author in this story portrays that beautifully. He demonstrates this burning desire to just let go, and muster all his strength to talk to his perfect girl. He brings an amount of hope and uncertainty within himself, about the decision to whether or not chase her, he places readers in a situation they’re all too familiar with. There’s an intimacy he places within his writing, that allows people to feel something. He makes these choices because he wants people to understand what kind of situation he’s being put through, this urge to go after the girl. The girl who he believes, is 100% perfect for him.

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