20% Project – Part 4

Today we borrowed Romani’s hot glue gun in order to piece some of the suit together, at the end of all however we were only able to piece the biceps together. I may need straps in order to amplify movements in the shoulder area as well as the chest pieces, I don’t believe that cardboard would work to piece the suit, as it’ll cause more hinderance to my movement as opposed to not.

Physics News #5 – Firefighter Car Crash



Around 7:30 am on Sunday morning a pickup truck and a minivan collided with each other, at 8:30 am on the same day a jeep collided with a semi-trailer killing a person, presumably a firefighter. This relates to physics with the force required to collide with one object and another, but I’ll just calculate only one force:


F =ma, assuming the mass of one car is 1500 and the acceleration is around 50mi/hr we can calculate how many newtons the car had before impact.


F = (1500)(50)

F = 75000N