Premiere Classe

Mutation: c’est le clé pour nos evolution. C’est comment nous avons évolué d’un organisme unicellulaire et devient les éspeces dominant de la planete. Ce proces est lent et ça durer plusieurs années pour se developper – mais a peu près chaque millénaire, l’evolution avance. Voila Scott Summers, Hank McCoy, Bobby Drake, Warren Worthington et Jean Grey: la premiere classe d’un institution prestigieux organisé par Professor Charles Xavier pour le doué. Avant qu’ils seront l’équipe fameux que nous savons, ils étaient des élèves perdu.  Réunis par leurs differences, ils apprenent comment d’être accepter par l’un et l’autre et travaille comme un équipe et plus importante, une famille. Ensemble, ils faisent face aux préjuge, le racisme, la intolérance, et la discrimination.

– Roberto.


Pilote – 《Bienvenue.》 

Scott, Jean, Hank, Bobby et Warren tous avaient quelque chose en commun: ils sont des mutants. Exclué par le majorité de la societé ils sont réunis par un homme, Professor Charles Xavier, un individuel télépathique qui lui offert une maison pour vivre de dans.



Émission #2 – 《Magneto.》

Erik Lensherr, un vieux ami de Xavier, vient chez Xavier et donnes un message pour lui. Les puissances de Jean devient pire, quelque chose que Scott et Xavier essayent de trouver un solution pour.

Émission #3 – 《X-Men.》

Xavier crée une groupe paramilitaire qui s’appellait les 《X-Men》pour se battre contre Magneto, qui vient un autre temps pour kidnapper Charles. Le X-Men prend ce qu’ils apprenent vers les leçons pour defendre leur maison.







《Whoa désol—》


《Qu’est que tu as fumé? On ne fume pas le cannabis…》




《Au revoir Kirby!》



《Les nouveaux mutants? Impossible.》


《Hank, ici j’essayes d’enseigner le contrôl.》


《Whoa, je peux… Voir.》



《 Ça c’est la maison?》


《Je m’appelle Charles Xavier, je peux t’aider》





《Il n’a pas du contrôl.》












Week 9 – Math 10

This week in Math we finished off working on polynomial operations and started off on factoring polynomials.

(Insert picture here)

For Polynomial Operations, we mainly focused expanding out binomials and eventually trinomials, from there we would use distributive property and solve the equation to how we see fit.

(insert picture here)

For Factoring Polynomials, we just started remembering how to find the GCF and learnt that the opposite of expanding is factoring, we then applied those concepts to solve questions in the workbook.

(insert picture here)

My “a-ha” moment of this week wasn’t necessarily from the new unit, as I already grasp the concept of Polynomials fairly well but moreso on reviewing my Trig test. Before I would normally skim through questions and ignore all logical thinking to just do my calculations, but as it turns out, that shouldn’t be the case. I made an error in which I thought all angles could be used for solving a triangle, I never took into account the 90° angle since it is always there. Needless to say, I failed that question. So, only TWO angles can be used to solve for triangles due to the 90° angle.

Math 10 – Week 8

This week in Math we began our unit on Polynomials, starting off on our review of the Grade 9 Polynomials unit and applying something new towards the end of the week.


(Insert picture here)

I can grasp the concept of Polynomials easily as it requires only substitution and logical thinking. However my only experience in it was doing things algebraically, this week I learnt (or reviewed, depending) on how to do algebra tiles again as well as area diagrams. Those would be my “a-ha” moments as before, solving it alone as an equation would be my only method; now that I’ve learnt two other methods, I can apply it to different questions in the workbook.

Math 10 – Week 7

This week in Math I focused on finding the measurement of a missing angle for Trigonometry.

2016-04-03 18.12.45

Generally, this is in the same line on how to deal with SOHCAHTOA, but rather than multiplying by its’ first function button, I pressed the secondary function button to get (sin-1) or however other ones there are. Afterwards, I divided the two measurements given and from then on I found the answer to my question.

My “a-ha” moment of this week featured two things:

1) To find the ratios of a triangle, the longest side represents the hypotenuse and is directly across from a right angle. Secondly, to find the opposite, it is simply opposite directly from the reference angle. Thirdly, by default the last missing side would be the adjacent side.

2) I learnt two vocabulary words: Angle of depression, angle of elevation. The latter I assumed would just be a regular triangle whereas the former I had little to no idea what I could do. Then the idea stemed from the workbook itself as I looked at both picture examples of angle of depression and angle of elevation, as I looked at it carefully I realized the angle of depression only represented an upside down triangle. Afterwards, I just input the measurements and right angle to form my triangle diagram and solved questions relating to that.

Math 10 – Week 6

This week in Math I learnt how to effectively apply the formula SOHCAHTOA with triangle equations.

(insert photo here)

It is rather more or less the same rules to apply when doing BEDMAS, however you should pay attention that the calculator is set in degrees rather than another function.


My “a-ha” moment of this week was where to place the fraction when it came to sin, tan, or cos: sin and tan both have their numbers on the denominator whereas the cos has it on the top.


Overall, this week was easy considering trigonometry uses calculators to solve for the product.

Math 10 – Week 5

This week in Math I learnt the formulas for the different types of shapes there are (ex. spheres, cones, cylinders).

(insert photo here)

This is the formula sheet we were handed to us, however I struggled with cylinders for the longest time.

After seeking help, I learnt a better method to do the formula: 2(pi)r² + (pi)d×h. As it is more or less the same formula that was handed to us on the pink sheet. – This would be considered my “a-ha” moment.