Scientific Summer

This summer consisted of me spending most of my free-time using my cell phone, from 11am to 3am it either consisted of me texting my friends OR charging the phone. Whenever I wasn’t using my phone, I was using my tablet to watch other TV shows until my phone was charged. Sometimes, well most nights actually, I would charge both my phone and tablet right beside my bed – I know this is unhealthy. Then the same process repeated once I woke up the next day.


The reason why I’m telling you this, is because cell phones and tablets give off radioactivity. A scientific aspect which belongs to chemistry which we’re learning this year in Science 10. The radioactivity that gives it off is called ‘radiofrequency’ which is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Two types of ‘radiofrequency’ are ionizing and non-ionizing, I assume cell phones relate with non-ionizing as it just relates to heat. On a biological note, while phones give off heat there is no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk.


Basically, unless it’s a potential major health issue that is dangerous… I won’t stop doing it. 🙂