1. Define
While we were building our house our lights always were working because it always burns out, whenever we tape the wires together they always disconnect it was frustrating because we have to take out the tape and then twist the wire together. When we twist the wires together it always gives us a hard time since they won’t stay together we would take turns and when we cut a hole for the switches to go through we always cut it too big. Every time we cut wires it was either too short or we would accidentally cut the insulation wire it was sometimes frustrating because the yellow wire cutters weren’t available it only has a few everyone took it we had a hard time with the other wire cutter since we didn’t know how to use it. When we put it all together we realized the bottom lights wasn’t working we had to re-re-due it again. In this picture, this is what I and my partner did but the bottom lights weren’t working and our battery was hanging in the back.
2. Dream of possible solutions to the problem.
We could of change the format of our circuit to make it better from the start and we should of test the light if they were working before attaching them all. Cut the wires to a perfect length not put tape immediately because there’s a possibility that they won’t stay together. We could glue a cardboard on the hole we cut in accidentally and put wallpaper over it. We could ask the teacher for help when were doing something wrong and we could make a battery holder so it wont fall all the time.
3. Deliver a solution to the problem. Print your design. Document the process.
When we had to re-due it we ask the Ms. Cho for help she help us change the format for our circuit. instead of 3 lights on the top floor we put the three lights on the bottom. We also change our wires so that the lights can light bright because before it was really dim. This time we didn’t tape the wires immediately instead we did it last. We build a battery holder for our battery in Tinkercad and we put cardboard then glue it on the holes and we added wallpapers to cover it.
4.Debrief the quality of the process you went through
We made our circuit design in Phet simulator then we sketch it me and my partner we decide on making a bedroom on the top floor for the bottom we wanted to make it into a living room. We connected the wires and lights together after that we add switches on the sides then add some wires. While we were testing everything the bottom lights were dim then the next day we tested it again it didn’t work . We had to move the top middle light to the bottom we change the wires in the back. We tested it again it worked this time and we re-did our phet simulator as well as our sketch.