I have a few questions about Shawnigan Lake soil dumping my question are Will it happen again in the future? or Is it still occurring right now in different places? What plans have been made to effectively address and prevent soil dumping in Shawnigan Lake while also maintaining the conservation of the lake’s environment and the neighborhood around it? How do soil dumping techniques change in the future to ensure minimal environmental damage and regulatory compliance? What possible actions are being thought about now to stop dirt dumping and safeguard the ecosystem in the future?
The information website I used was Gale to research some information about the topic that I’m doing and I only found three websites on Gale that I could use for my research. After I went to Gale I went to Google to get more information as I read through the information I made a document for my notes. I put the websites that I used on a citation machine called easy bib because my grade 8 teacher taught me how to use it and it’s been helpful whenever we have to research something. For the images I use Pixel for one image then I used creative commons.
When I put all the information into the notes I made it into my own words that I wrote then I made my sway presentation. I added the images to each slide that I put the questions in after I added the answers below to the questions I had. The image citations where I got it from I put it at the end of my sway presentation and the other websites that I used. The websites that help me with the research I’m doing used Google then I made sure I used a citation machine called Easy Bib.
Things I could have improved about my sway are I should have added more slides on my sway and I should have developed more questions to ask. Next time if I ever do note-taking I’ll try to add more words like what I knew from the article I read as well as I should look for more information about the Shawnigan Lake soil dumping. When I work on my sway I should use my free time wisely so I could get it done earlier or work on it during weekends. I couldn’t find any picture that could fit with my questions in Pexels I mostly use creative common images I only found one picture from Pexel that fit with the question.