Post the article on your blog and write a blog entry answering these questions in a short paragraph:
1. What is the article about?
The article is about katrina chen on why shes been a victim of gender-based violence and former minister of state for child care, who went public last week with her personal story of facing ongoing trauma. she decided to go public on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in an attempt to break the stigma and silence around gender-based violence.
2. Who does it involve?
There’s so many people that shared similar stories, but they just haven’t talked about it because there’s that sense of embarrassment, shame and worry about judgment all the time about violence against women
3. Why did you choose this article?
I chose this article because its interesting and a lot of women in the world are suffering from this.
4. How does this news article relate to the story we are reading- The Friday Everything Changed?
The story and this article kinda relate together because in the story they were always choosing the boys to get water and not the girls and the article its about violence against women.