Assimilation vs. Inclusivity

By Unknown 

Written by Chay Ralph 

Assimilation vs. Inclusivity By Unknown shows Indigenous people and their colourful culture on one side and moving right to left showing them turning grey to white. Analysis of this picture shows complete lack of RESPECT, COLLABORATION or INCLUSIVITY of Indigenous people with a European culture. 

Colour is used to show a vibrant culture and beautiful colourful outfits. The children are smiling, and nature is infused in their outfits Moving to the left the people in white are frowning faces and they are wearing simple very grey and plain outfits that are all the same. Colour is also used to show the differences in skin colour. On the right there is colour used to show skin colour and as it moves left it goes greyer and greyer to white and ghost like. This shows there was a lack of respect, collaboration and inclusion for the Indigenous culture, tradition and lifestyle. 

The indigenous students on the right side of the picture that is colourful have Indigenous traditional clothes, flowers, headdresses, hair styles and this symbolizes their culture, variety and acceptances. Whereas these are completely removed on the left side of the image. This shows there is no collaboration between the two different cultures. Also the image shows there was no inclusion of the culture of indigenous people. Their unique and different culture was removed over time and not included in their future identity. This is shown with their hair cuts because on the other side the students have buzz cuts, clothes that have no colour and they look like a religious uniform.   

Lack of respect, collaboration and inclusivity is also shown the following reason. There is a line for the changes we can see with between the traditional clothing and the white school uniform. There is a line in the picture that shows the change in skin colour. It goes from a darker complexion to a milkier white complexion. More and more white was added. The kids that are more white are in perfect rows. Whereas the kids that are colourful are not as lined up. On the right side the kids are making eye contact and they look happier more alive.  

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