science 9 core competencies self-assessment-2cy9na3
Category: Science 9
My Chemical – Aspartame
This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office Online.
Power Solution Fluency
DEFINE We had a few different ideas but then we decided together on our challenge. Our challenge was to find ways to design a house that was as energy efficient as possible. As a group, we talked about if we should have a budget for the price of the items we would need in our house […]
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Site C Dam – ADL Information Fluency
The questions I used to research the Site C Dam were what is the Site C Dam?, how will the Site C Dam affect people and wildlife living near it?, how will the Site C dam affect Indigenous Peoples?, what do scientists and citizens say about the Site C Dam?, what are the benefits to the […]
Something I am Proud of
What I am most proud of in science class this year is my “Sphere: My Animal” Sway.