This is my self-portrait using To figure out what equations I needed to use, I would think of what the shape would need to look like, and then use OneNote or the equations we have used before to find on that would make it.
I had many challenges such as I would figure out how to make the shape, but then it would be difficult to move it without changing what the shape looked like. I resolved this challenge by trial and error. I would try one thing, and if that did not work then I would try something else that i knew had worked for previous equations. Another challenge I had was knowing what shape I wanted to make, but not knowing what equation to use. I resolved this challenge by breaking down the shape and trying to see if I could make it using multiple equations I knew how to do.
An “aha” moment I had was when I figured out how I could make the hair go different directions by changing the positive sign to a negative sign.
In the beginning, I had a little help from Ms. McArthur and then I just used the equations on OneNote to loosely base my equations off of a little bit. I also used the internet once to find an equation to base my ear off of.
Some strategies I used were changing the negative and positive signs to make shapes move up, down, left, and right. I also would sometimes use multiple lines close together to make it look like there is one thick line.
This assignment helped me understand what different equations make what type of line, and how little things such as putting a negative sign where a positive sign should be can change the shape so much.