Community Connection

I interviewed a family friend named Halina Wloka for this project.  Halina is a Resource Social Worker which is a Social Worker for foster children.  I chose to interview her for this project because I want to pursue a career path with children and I want to learn more about the foster system.


Interview Questions:

Why are you passionate about your job?

“Foster families do probably one of the hardest and least appreciated roles who go unnoticed.  It is inspiring and rewarding even though it is challenging.”

What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

“Social work has a lot of hard days and to become a resource social worker I did two years of child protection social work.  This involves lots of sad situations that are hard to have hope for.”

What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“To be really good at figuring out where your boundaries.  How to take care of yourself and not to be scared of the job.  Also, find a good mentor.”

Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

“Sure.  (250) 423-5316

What is the best part of your job?

“Seeing a kid come from a really tough situation and then thriving in a home that can meet their needs.”

If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?

“The need for more foster families and to get rid of the negative stereotypes.”

I learned a lot from this interview and I think it will really change my outlook on the foster care system.  I learned how difficult it is to do such an important and rewarding job and how we need to stop stereotyping the foster care system.  I want to do something related to children, and this interview really helped me realize how difficult it is going to be.  It also helped me realize how important it is to take care of yourself when you are working in such a stressful job.  I learned so much from this interview and I am really grateful I was able to interview someone with such an important job.



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2 thoughts on “Community Connection

  1. Thank you Charlotte, for using this project to focus on the foster care system, in particular the children that we work with. You have a special gift at connecting with little ones and understanding the world from their perspective. This will serve you well as you focus on achieving your goal as a paediatric doctor. And, more importantly, it will benefit the children and their families who you will be working for. Keep up your enthusiasm and openness to learning from people of all walks of life!

  2. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Excellent work incorporate your answers on your edublogs account
    – The comment from your interviewee is very impressive

    We hope this activity helps you gain more opportunities in the future!

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol and Mr. Robinson
    COL Teachers

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