Digital Footprint

Do you know how much information about you is online?  All those posts you posted to your “private” social media account may not be private.  Your digital footprint can negatively change your chances of getting a job just from one picture.  If you have an inappropriate post or picture on any of your social media, chances are, your future employers will find it.  On the other hand, if you have a good digital footprint with positive posts, then you might have an advantage when it comes to getting a job. 

A good way to find what your digital footprint looks like is searching your name.

If you search your name and find some posts about you or from you that you do not want people to see then you should first remove it from your account.  If it was a picture you were tagged in, then ask the person who posted it to untag you or delete the picture.  Check your privacy settings on websites or apps such as Google, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and YouTube.

Quite often websites will make it difficult to find privacy settings so make sure you look under advanced or if it seems like there aren’t very many privacy settings, look for an option for advanced privacy settings.  Never use your full name online or give out personal information such as birthday, address, or where you are going.


I learned how important it is to not post anything private online and what you do post online is public for anyone to see.  I also learned how important it is to post only things you would be okay with the whole world seeing and to make sure your online activity shows you at your best.  Before you post you should use the acronym THINK.




2 thoughts on “DIGITAL FOOTPRINT

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Provides answers for various questions about digital footprint
    – Did not include enough photos or media as instructed (should be 6)
    – Post is completed

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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