Spanish 10 CC

My goal is to improve…

My spelling or writing in Spanish. I want to reach this goal so I can expand my ability so I can understand the basics.

in this unit, I want to focus on…

being able to order food at a cafe or a food truck with confidence.


  1. I ask and respond to simple, direct questions. I show this by asking questions when I don’t understand and when I am giving a task I follow and listen.
  2. I can understand and share information about a topic that is important to me. I showed this in my presentation by demonstrating my learning of the Dominican republic

    3. I can work with others to achieve a common goal; I do my share. I do my fair share in group projects or our speaking infront of the class.


    4. I give, receive, and act on feedback. I try to improve my learning if I do bad on an assignment or if I don’t understand clearly.


Week 10 Linear Relations

this week we reviewed linear relations from what we did in grade 9. What we review was the graphing. For example where the x and y axis was and the different quadrants.

quadrant 1: the x and y axis are positive

quadrant 2: the x axis is negative and the y axis is positive

quadrant 3: the x and y axis are negative

quadrant 4: the x axis is positive and the y axis is negative


Week 7 Polynomials

This week we review polynomials. Something new I learned thought was how to do an Area Diagram. How do to it is by draw a box with boxes inside it. Then you have to put your equation on the side and top. For example, the picture is a monomial so it has four boxes with C and D at the top and A and Bon the side. Next you have to multiply AxC, AxD, BxC, BxD. then after you distribute the same property.


19.05.06: When Your Plan to Multiply Polynomials is FOILED

Chemistry Core Competencies

In the chemistry unit, the core competencies skills I used was Critical thinking. I used this because I had to anaylize, critique and develop questions when I work on the practice problems and when I work on equations. I also used Communication when we did our lab.

Week 5 Trigonometry

This week we didn’t really learn anything new it was just review on what we did during week 4. Something we did was using a scientific calculator to solve the questions. How to use a scientific calculator for trigonometry is by punching in cos, sin, or tan and entering the number after and if you need to use -1 you enter the shift button before.

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