- Image 1:
In the photo, Christian plays Mitch who gets taken by the recruiters (Char and Isaac). The recruiters are pointing at Mitch to show they found/caught Mitch. It fits the plot point because Mitch sacrifices himself in the beginning of the book, so Frenchie doesn’t get taken too. This event is also what starts off Frenchie’s journey which is another reason why it fits the exposition since that’s what makes the story start.
Image 2: In this scene Christian is playing Miigwans, Char is playing Minerva and Isaac is playing Frenchie. This takes place in the middle of a forest. In this tableau Frenchie is found very sick by Miig and Minerva. They help him by taking care of him and feeding him until he is healthy.Image 3: In the scene where Riri dies, it is the rising action. The scene shows linc choking riri, and a tree in the back. Christian is playing riri, isaac is playing linc, and char is playing a tree. The setting is a cliff on a mountain.Image 4: In the photo, Frenchie (Isaac) and Miig (Christian) are sleeping in an abandon barn while Minerva (Char) sacrifices herself by moving the ladder and leaving to show herself. Minerva played by char, is walking away while Frenchie and Miig played by Christian and Isaac are sleeping. This fits the plot point because it’s a rising action and an event that happened before the climax. This event is what made the climax build up to what happened.
Image 5: In this image Christian is playing a tree, Char is playing Frenchie’s dad and Isaac is playing Frenchie. This takes place in a forest outside of a sweat lodge. In this scene Frenchie finds his dad after many years of not meeting him. This scene fits the plot because it’s close to the climax and after this scene the book has many important things happening.Image 6: This scene is played by Char (Minerva), Christian (Rose) and Isaac (Frenchie). This scene takes place on a road by the forest. In this scene the group finds the van that Minerva is in. They manage to free her but she dies. This fits the climax because it was a major event of the book.Image 7: This scene is played by Char (Minerva), Christian (Rose) and Isaac (Frenchie). This scene takes place in a forest. This is shortly after Minerva dies. Rose and Frenchie choose to cut their hair in honour of Minerva. this event fits the plot because it was after the climax but it wasn’t the ending.
Image 8: In the scene where Isaac is playing Isaac, Christian is playing Miig, and Char is playing Rose. This scene shows Isaac and Miig reuniting after being apart for a while. This scene takes place in a forest and is the concluding part of the story. it fits the plot because it was the ending to the book with still a important event.
Thank you for submitting your Tableau Short Story Project for COL. I have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:
– Plot points are accurately depicted with effective tableau style photos, but none of the plot point titles are stated anywhere in this.
– Collage of photos is fairly well edited
– All aspects of the post are correctly completed (title, tag, category, tableau photos, collage, written descriptions)
– Good attempt with the green screening, would have been better if you could eliminate water marks, as half of them are still partially there
– Adding your names to the visual and the different plot points would help guide the audience > for example > “Exposition”
Good job and if you have any questions, please contact me!
Mr. Barazzuol