Indigenous Exploration- Residential Schools


My experience creating this assignment was researching and writing a script because I have done a lot of projects in the past that required a lot of researching and finding facts to put a presentation (in this case a podcast) together and then making a script. Another thing I have experienced was researching/ learning about indigenous people and their past on what has happened to them.

Our path in researching this topic was looking for websites that tell us the information we need such as facts about the school we chose (Alberni Indian Residential School) and kind of splitting apart facts to make it easier to find for example, we would each search up different things and work on a certain topic like and combined them together at the end.

Some obstacles we faced when recording was stuttering a lot or messing up words because for me I had a hard time reading and pronouncing words out loud or I would read the words wrong in my head. Another struggle we had was learning how to use Audacity because we both never used it before and we had a hard time editing our audio but eventually we figured out most of the basics and tried our best.

Core Competency (critical thinking)

Our artifact (residential schools) ties in with what I learned before because every year in school we would talk about the history of indigenous people who had to face residential schools and how much it affected them and there families and doing this project I got to dig deeper into some of the details like learning about one specific school and what it was like. My thinking has changed because I would put it into better perspective on the struggles they went through and what made my thinking change was by reading more about details I never heard of before and thinking what it be like if I was them.



Scans uncover 17 graves in Port Alberni; Deeply forested terrain impeded search at site of former residential school on Vancouver Island, but expert says more discoveries likely. – Document – Gale In Context: Canada ( 

Rage therapy – Document – Gale In Context: Canada ( 

Alberni Residential School – The Children Remembered 

Tseshaht First Nation’s research says at least 67 children died at Alberni Indian Residential School | 

Alberni Residential School – The Children Remembered