Here is my CC for French 10
Tag: #criticalthinkingcc
Science 9 Spheres project
This is my science project about littering and how it effects the four spheres.
Science 9 – Wonder project
Here is my wonder project that I did in science, it is a project about one of my own big questions. Does zoning out effect athletes? What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic? What is happening to the brain when we zone out? Is there a way […]
Self reflection for the song in convo10
This is my reflection
Reflection-Project SH9
This is my reflection on my socials project.
3D art
creative thinking… I used creative thinking when i was thinking about what i was gonna make my lantern. Also when i was choosing the colours i wanted to use when i was going to put the touchpaper. critical thinking… i used critical thinking when i was making the lantern with the ribs and when […]
This is my reflection on my sphere project, Self-Assessment-CC-District-document-Gee-12hsa0b (1)