Science 9 – Wonder project

Here is my wonder project that I did in science, it is a project about one of my own big questions. Does zoning out effect athletes?


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  1. What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic?
    What is happening to the brain when we zone out?
    Is there a way to prevent zoning out?
    Why do we zone out?
    What are the most stressful jobs?
  2. What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?
    I did not use any new digital tools I just stuck with google, because when I used Gale and that I could not find any information
  3. What was the process you used to investigate the topic?
    I have just always wondered why I zone out and if it is ok to be zoning out a lot. Also I have zoned out before when doing my dance and that is not safe at all so I wanted to know if it is a problem for athletes.
  4. How did you verify and cite the information you found?
    I checked into the authors of the articles I was reading , also I was saying how recent they were.
  5. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?
    I feel like my challenge was being patient because I could not just get my answer right away. I needed to search different questions to get parts of my answer and they put all the little  part of my answer into my big answer of my question. I do not know what I could of done better, maybe try and focus more so then it could of gone by way faster.
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Here are the websites i used


One thought on “Science 9 – Wonder project

  1. Thanks for your infographic on zoning out. The piece that you shared that we can only focus for 23 minutes (and it takes another 23 minutes to re-focus) really caught my attention. It makes me think of how notifications are quite damaging to productivity. Beyond stress, how does the research you learned apply to to the specific needs of athletes? Does the psychological training that pro athletes get help minimize zoning out?

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