Tech Team Q1 Reflection

What are some initiatives\things\volunteering you have been involved with? Describe what you have done, and the amount of time you have spent.

I volunteer weekly in the WAVE. I try go during A block every Tuesday and I eagerly wait for those with any questions. I believe that I have spent about 3.9 hours in the WAVE for the month of October since I have been sick. I also attend the weekly Tech Team  meetings. Another thing I've done is volunteer in the grade 9 digital Bootcamp on the first day of school. I believe that gives me another 3 hours of volunteering.

What are some things you have learned? Describe any challenges, aha moments, small wins…What did you learn from it?

Helping others with their problems also provides me with  many learning opportunities. Evidently, I don't know everything about technology, but I have realized that when helping, it isn't necessarily about giving the right answers but perhaps collaborating with multiple brains to prompt a solution. A challenge I had was when someone was podcasting and since I've only podcasted once, a year ago I was kind of lost when looking at the program. But after collaborating and discussing with others we were able to fix the problem. Overall, patience is key!

What can I improve and/or accomplish? Focus on technology, leadership and school culture.

For the future I think it would be beneficial to practice more with tools in the Maker Space. I have a brief understanding of 3D printing and the Cricut from previous class work but I think it would be more useful to myself and others if I increase my understanding and what better way than practicing!

Tech Team Semester Reflection

What was one of the greatest challenges you faced this semester? What did you learn from it?

I think that one of the greatest challenges I faced this semester was getting over my negative thoughts and persevering with acquiring something new. For example, I was very nervous having to present in font of the stream classes since all attention was on me. However, I was able to overcome this and I presented very easily and everyone was very attentive and supportive. I was anxious as well with trying the Cricut but I completed the project with confidence that it turned out great. I think from these examples a big thing that I learned is to not be afraid to start because the only worries are likely made up things by the brain that will not happen.

What was one big win you had this semester? What did you learn from it?

I believe that a big win I had this year was the process of my Cricut project. I am mostly very proud at the fact that I didn’t have any set backs or major issues. That was unexpected considering the amount of absolutely tiny and thin details. I suppose that luck was with me that day. Anyway, I was able to learn about technology that our school has to offer as well as stimulating future creative ideas.

What can I improve and/or accomplish this semester?

For the upcoming semester I think I can improve more with volunteering around the school. Since I do not have much time to go down and be in the wave, I could possibly let my teachers know that I can be a person to turn to when they are having certain issues. As well as making it clear to my peers that I am always open minded to help them or at least attempt to solve their problems while probably learning new stuff for myself too. Overall, I think that it would be important for me to get myself out there an not being shy when it comes to standing out when others are in need.

What is something you want to happen? Focusing on technology and school culture…what would you like to see take place in second semester.

Something that I would want to see happen is more involvement with the tech team around the school. By this I mean possibly more presentations or projects that include our whole Riverside community. I feel that the Tech Team is currently used to help others but I believe that we can expand so that more people could be apart of the Tech Team and feel comfortable creating personal projects outside of their comfort zone.

What is one think you would like to learn more about? Focusing on technology and school culture…what would you like to explore/implement second semester.

Something that I would like to learn more about is probably our schools 3D printers. After having experience with the Cricut I want to continue exploring other devices that our school has to offer. I’ve used the 3D printer once last year but not well enough to confidently use it on my own again. So I would appreciate a lesson and possibly a project to create something new and cool so I can continue to further enhance my future projects and knowledge.

Tech Team Quarter 1 Reflection

What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished this quarter?

This quarter I've learned so much! During our group discussions while preparing the tech tips and apps to present to the rest of the school I learned about many new apps that I haven't heard of before. For example, in previous years I used iMovie for school podcasts and this year I used audacity as it was suggested by other members and my podcast turned out pretty great. Also, I have never used the cricut before and while preparing for the pumpkin activity they presentation by Josephine was very clear and insightful. I am constantly learning something new from my peers who may be more advanced in certain technological aspects. I enjoy the positive environment created where I can be taught and teach others.

What are some things you have been involved with supporting the school?

Something that I have been involved with supporting the school includes helping my peers when they are struggling (with technology or academically). I believe that sharing knowledge with others is beneficial on both sides because each of us is gaining new information from the other. They are able to obtain the solutions needed to their problems and benefit by experiencing different thinkers and having to use my brain power to come up with a proper solution.

What aspects of your work are successful? Explain why.

I believe that certain aspects of my work that are successful include the fact that technical knowledge is being shard and expanded hence, us as a school moving forward towards our society's innovations. I say this because by being able to put our brains together towards a common goal we are able to achieve more by expanding ideas beyond just our own. In the long run, it creates a loop of bigger ideas that can be shared further with newer people former even more ideas, making our future even brighter.

What aspects of your work is challenging? Explain why.

I think that certain aspects that I struggle in include having the patience when I don't understand something. I am very stubborn and I like to be the 'Know it All'. However, there are many occasions that I am unable to help solve at first glance. Sometimes it can be frustrating because I like to get it done and move on right away. So I am learning how to trust the process and look at situations from another perspective.

What steps did you take to overcome these challenges / what adjustments did you need to make?

To overcome this struggle, I am still working on taking at least a breather before panicking then giving up. It is important to take time and keep a cool head when dealing with something unfamiliar because it's more beneficial to spend the time and mistakes to invest in learning than just letting go of the problem and moving forward with life.

Is there anything you can do improve? (with your approach to the project, or altering the project)

I think something to improve on is being able to look at the problem or challenge from different perspectives. I think this because everyone is unique with different views so just because I don't notice something right away doesn't mean someone who thinks differently won't notice as well. Being a multi dimensional thinker will help one push through and gain the most from life due to flexibility and creativity.

As Riverside continues to immerse itself into innovation and technology, what do you think Riverside can do to provide support and help for teachers and students? (Provide specific examples)

I feel like Riverside is already well ahead with technology compared to others. I also believe that we are on the right path and constantly improving.

Do you have any feedback or suggestions, as we move forward, that could help the Tech Team meet the needs of our school and staff / be more effective? (Provide specific examples)

Personally, I think that the Riverside WAVE is super underrated. In grade 9 I heard of it and this year was the first year I actually understood hat it was. Also, it used to seem very intimidating my first year here. Possibly we could do more promoting of the WAVE and letting people know that it is an option for everyone and that it is a safe space.