HCE 9 – English Write

“Birds on a Wire,” created by Banksy

     “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” – Audre Lorde. The image “Birds on a Wire” created by Bansky, contains a very deep and mature message to its’ audience that needs to be understood. In the image, it is evident that the group of birds are unable to accept and respect the new coming bird into their territory because of the difference in physical features. The group is too quick to assume a label onto the colourful bird, since they all look the same, but the newcomer stands out. However, they are unaware of the colourful birds’ story, personality, past, etc. so with their closed minds, they are unable to accept the fact that the new bird belongs just as much as they do. Everyone always strives to live their best life and it is possible that the new bird may be escaping certain circumstances to move on. Also, they are holding up signs saying, “Migrants not welcome”, “Go back to Africa”, and “Keep off our worms”. These sayings prove their ignorance since it is evident that they know nothing about this bird by assuming its’ origin and purpose for migrating. There are always enough worms for everyone who is willing to work hard enough and share. Possibly, with more education, the group of birds would be able to respect the other bird enough to get to know it or even just let it mind its’ own business. It is evident that the group of birds will only tolerate ones that look the same and will not present inclusivity to others. The group is attempting to make the newcomer feel like an outcast, they are creating a burden of hate within the communities. They are not able to realize that the different bird may be able to benefit their community. Communities are always stronger as a larger union of acceptance and inclusivity instead of hatred and division. Perhaps, if they were able to open their minds and collaboration. With the different bird, they might be able to overcome the world and gain success. They will never be able to know the potential of themselves or others’ without giving a chance beneath the surface. It is not fair to judge upon what others cannot control, instead we must dig a bit under the surface to gain insight.