Category: Self-Assessment
Physics 11 – Core Competency Reflection
Core Competency Reflection – Médias et communications numériques 11
Core Competency Reflection – Pre-Calc 12
Computer Programming 11 – Core Competency Reflection
import turtle def circle(col, rad): """this function draws circles this function is named circle and in the brackets we are able to define the colour aswell as the radius since the final image is made up of a bunch of circles""" turtle.fillcolor(col) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.circle(rad) turtle.end_fill() turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(-35, 95) turtle.pd() circle('black', 15) """first panda ear""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(35, 95) turtle.pd() circle('black', 15) """second panda ear""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(0, 35) turtle.pd() circle('white', 40) """panda face""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(-18, 75) turtle.pd() circle('black', 8) """panda eye circle""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(18, 75) turtle.pd() circle('black', 8) """other panda eye circle""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(-18, 77) turtle.pd() circle('white', 4) """panda eye""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(18, 77) turtle.pd() circle('white', 4) """other panda eye""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(0, 55) turtle.pd() circle('black', 5) """panda nose""" turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(0, 55) turtle.pd() turtle.right(90) turtle.circle(5, 180) turtle.up() turtle.setpos(0, 55) turtle.pd() turtle.left(360) turtle.circle(5, -180) turtle.hideturtle() """panda mouth"""
Science 10H – 3D Data Visualization
The data that I chose to represent is the percentage of Canadians throughout different age groups that own a smart phone. I chose this topic because I am interested in the evolution of technology and its’ affects on our every day lives. Also, with recent vaccination QR code mandates mostly being on phones this topic spiked my interest with how many people actually had to find an alternate adaptation. I chose to make separate phones to represent the different age groups because my data is based around smartphone owners. I decided to represent my data by filling in the percentages of people as the battery percentages on each phone as it suits the overall theme. I also added labels to make it clear to the reader what I am presenting.
Science 10 – Scientific Method & Paper Airplanes
For this assignment I chose to test the affects of weight placement on a paper airplane and its’ ability to travel the farthest distance. Each plane was built the exact same way on 8 x 11 inch paper. The weight added to the airplane was a singular paper clip taped to the aircraft. The difference between each airplane is the placement of the paper clip (front, middle, and back). I lightly threw each plane five times then averaged out my results in distance to accurately answer my question and test my hypothesis to the best of my ability. In conclusion, the hypothesis, if I use a paper plane with a paper clip in the middle then it will fly the farthest because of the balanced weight is accepted. The data shows that the average distance wth the paper clip in the middle was the largest with 4.36m whereas, in the front was the least with 2.57m and in the back was in between the two with 3.33m. The results of this investigation are useful because they demonstrate the importance and affects of weight placement on an aircraft. However, this investigation can be improved by finding a way to throw the planes using identical force because as much as I tried to keep the force the same, I am only human so evidently the force cannot be identical. Other questions that need to be answered are the weight to plane ratios and which will be most affective for flying the longest distance.
English 10H Core Competency Reflection
Français 10 Core Competency Reflection
Accounting 11 Core Competency Reflection