New Book Cover – “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time”

The original cover of the book “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon
The original cover of “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon seems to appear very simple but I see it to be much more. At first glance, there does not seem much of a wow factor present however, after some analysis the possible significances are quite visible. There seems to be much emphasis on the dog by making it stand out in black, placing it upside down, and in the middle of the cover. I think that the reasoning behind this is to symbolize the dogs passing since black is the colour of mourning and him being upside down represents the after life in most cultures. The simplistic cover demonstrates a use of minimalism to draw our attention with bright colours and leave us wondering what this book beholds within. The use of bright red is a statement colour to draw the audience into the reading the book by withholding most information of this very detailed piece of literature. The simplistic appeal leads our minds to gain interest in the book due to our human nature of curiosity and analysis, which guides us into wondering whether the book is truly dull or if it is really withholding valuable information.
With my updated design of the cover, I chose to take a slightly different appeal towards grasping the attention of the audience. I decided to unveil some more information onto the cover but without context. By this I mean that I chose symbols that represent meaningful ideas in the story, but they can also be interpreted in numerous ways to someone who has not yet read the book. I chose to once again emphasize the dog by placing a paw in the center. However, I chose to make it gold to represent the higher value of a dog shown in this book. I have also decided to make majority of the background an image of math equations to show the protagonist’s love and appreciation for math which can also be taken as an example of his straightforward mindset and depth in comprehension. This book covered many topics however, they were mostly based around the toxic result of dishonesty. So, in this cover I added images of parents arguing and the son being affected in a negative form. This is a little symbol for a big part of this book and with reading it, it is easy to observe many examples of their dishonest actions effecting their overall personalities and possible patterns of negative behavior. As a final touch, I decided to add a rising animation to add that emphasis and to show all those pieces and symbols combine into one to create this powerful story.

HCE 9 – English Write

“Birds on a Wire,” created by Banksy

     “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” – Audre Lorde. The image “Birds on a Wire” created by Bansky, contains a very deep and mature message to its’ audience that needs to be understood. In the image, it is evident that the group of birds are unable to accept and respect the new coming bird into their territory because of the difference in physical features. The group is too quick to assume a label onto the colourful bird, since they all look the same, but the newcomer stands out. However, they are unaware of the colourful birds’ story, personality, past, etc. so with their closed minds, they are unable to accept the fact that the new bird belongs just as much as they do. Everyone always strives to live their best life and it is possible that the new bird may be escaping certain circumstances to move on. Also, they are holding up signs saying, “Migrants not welcome”, “Go back to Africa”, and “Keep off our worms”. These sayings prove their ignorance since it is evident that they know nothing about this bird by assuming its’ origin and purpose for migrating. There are always enough worms for everyone who is willing to work hard enough and share. Possibly, with more education, the group of birds would be able to respect the other bird enough to get to know it or even just let it mind its’ own business. It is evident that the group of birds will only tolerate ones that look the same and will not present inclusivity to others. The group is attempting to make the newcomer feel like an outcast, they are creating a burden of hate within the communities. They are not able to realize that the different bird may be able to benefit their community. Communities are always stronger as a larger union of acceptance and inclusivity instead of hatred and division. Perhaps, if they were able to open their minds and collaboration. With the different bird, they might be able to overcome the world and gain success. They will never be able to know the potential of themselves or others’ without giving a chance beneath the surface. It is not fair to judge upon what others cannot control, instead we must dig a bit under the surface to gain insight.

Notre Podcast du Scandale de la Semaine



Par Catherine, Maggie et Kiana



Notre série s’appelle “Le scandale de la semaine”. Là c’est où nous discutons de grands scandales de nos temps et nous partageons nos opinions. Ces scandales sont à propos des célébrités et leur drame sociaux. Alors, si vous aimez la vie sociale notre série est l’un pour vous!
Le premier scandale qu’on discute est à propos de l’accusation à Kim Kardashian qu’elle a foncé sa peau avec du maquillage pour une séance de photo avec 7hollywood. Cliquez sur le lien en bas pour entendre tous les détails de ce scandale de la semaine.

Le scandale de la peau noire de Kim K 

Les sources

Notre deuxième scandale est à propos de la décision surprenante du Prince Harry et Meghan Markle. Ils partaient la famille royale et leurs vies comme les royales supérieurs sont finis. Cliquez sur le lien en bas pour savoir comment ça s’est passé et nos opinions de ce sujet.

Le scandale du Prince Harry et Meghan Markle

Les sources

Notre troisième et dernier scandale est à propos d’une célébrité de Dance Moms, Abby Lee Miller. Nous discutons sa carrière et ses problèmes avec la loi. Si vous voulez savoir plus à propos du drame de cette célébrité, cliquez sur le lien en bas.

Le scandale d’Abby Lee Miller

Les sources


Electrical Innovation Project

Scientists and Problem Solvers of the Future


Our group of three was challenged to discover a problem and create a way to fix it using our scientific knowledge about technology.

So right away, we got to work and started thinking long and hard.


We started our discovery process with a brainstorm of possible issues we could attempt to solve. Some big categories we though of are pollution, floods, wildfires, quality of health, decision making, exercise, natural disasters, and sleep scheduling. 

As we looked more into the ideas, and expanded them into more precise problems. We found ourselves being able to eliminate problems that are already solved or that are much out of our capabilities to solve. The big category we ended up choosing is pollution which led us to decide to help our quality of water.


We put on our thinking caps and started thinking about what we can do to help improve our water quality. We remembered all the different aspects and characteristics of water quality that we learned in the previous unit and used that knowledge to help us out. With our current abilities, we thought to to program a micro: bit to be able to test the turbidity, temperature, speed, and pH levels of the water. Ideally, the micro: bit would sit in water and would be sophisticatedly programmed, but we got pretty close to our ideal idea.


We were able to code our micro: bit to be able to use its sensor to detect the level of light, which allows us to see levels of turbidity in the water. We also used the temperature sensor to signal the temperature in the water and notice any changes. Another sensor we used was the acceleration which lets us know the speed of which the water is going. We also wanted to be able to find the pH level, but that was out of our reach of knowledge and sources however, we were able to find a video that explains how to create a pH sensor.

pH Meter for Micro: Bit


Aquatic Field Studies

To gain a deeper understanding of how the four spheres connect and function, we explored good examples near us which are the Coquitlam River and the Oxbow pond. Our class went to each of the sites and tested necessary aspects to determine the quality of water in each location. After testing the water quality, we used our findings to expand our learning and realize that the quality of the water depends on plenty of factors from spheres other than the hydrosphere and that all the spheres work together to create healthy and livable habitats.

Coquitlam River

First, we went to our first study site which is this little beach at the Coquitlam river shown above. After listening to Ms. Yorke's instructions, we began our process.

Our first step in our learning journey was measuring the water temperature by taking a thermometer an placing it in the water for a bit. 

After taking it out, we saw that the upstream water temperature in the Coquitlam river is 16 degrees Celsius.

Our next step was filling a vial with a water sample to help us with our next steps. So we covered the top of the vial with our hand and released it at the bottom so none of the surface water gets into our sample, making it more reliable.

After getting the water sample we took some test strips to test the water and swirled them in the water then, we took pictures of the strips, one right away and another 30 seconds later.

The picture on the left shows the strip right after swirling it and the picture on the right shows the strip 30 seconds later.

With the results of our test strips, we checked the box to find the corresponding colours to their number for each of the water quality factors and we recorded them on a the paper shown below. 

The factors that we measured are the dissolved oxygen, the pH, the temperature change, the nitrates, the phosphorus, the turbidity, and the total dissolved salts. After we checked the graphs to find the Q-value of each factor and with those values we found the overall approximate water quality value of 87.7 which is good water quality. With good quality water that means that it can be habitable by many organisms and life forms. Also, it means that the surrounding factors are good as well.

To identify the types of invertebrates that inhabit the Coquitlam river, we came back to catch some. First we used butterfly nets and placed them into the water. While we held the net in the water we also scraped the rocks in front to get any potential scrapers off the rocks and into the net.

Here were our results:

The invertebrates are very small so in the pictures above, mostly dirt is visible. However, there were plenty found in these waters. 

Here's a list of some that our class found:

1 dead moth
3 stoneflies
5 mayflies
2 caddisfly larvae
2 damselflies
1 aquatic worm
1 fruit fly

The examples of some of the invertebrate community show that the quality of water is good and habitable, as it is inhabited by category one taxa invertebrates like stoneflies, caddisflies, mayflies, and possibly more. Invertebrates in category one taxa aren't pollution tolerant so they can only survive in good quality water.

Oxbow Pond

After studying our first site, we moved on to our next which is the Oxbow pond. At the pond we continued with the same process as the river to find our water quality results.

We started off with the temperature check, and the temperature was 15 degrees Celsius. 

After the temperature check, we continued with the water sample. So we filled the vial, got the test trips, and tested the water.

The picture on the left shows the strip right after being swirled and the picture on the right is 30 seconds after.

After checking the colour of the strips for their corresponding number for each factor, we recorded those numbers on a sheet. The factors are dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature change, nitrates, phosphorus, turbidity, and total dissolved salts. Then, we checked the graph to find the approximate corresponding Q-value of each of the factors. After that, we were able to find the approximate water quality value of the pond which is 81.7 and still classifies as good quality water. Therefore, the Oxbow pond is still able to support many invertebrates and life forms. 


To see what types of invertebrates the water can inhabit and maintain, we got butterfly nets and checked. Since the pond is a more still body of water than the river we caught the invertebrates a bit differently. In the pond, we took the nets and placed them in the water and walked along the edges to see what we would catch.

These were our results:

There were plenty of more invertebrates in the pond. However the water has less turbidity so it looks much dirtier and murkier. 

Here's a list of what our class found:

1 dead moth
21 small fish
1 dead spider
1 midge fly larva
4 water boatmen
1 stonefly nymph
4 caddisfly larva
3 true bugs
1 tadpole
3 stick fish
1 aquatic worm
2 water pennies
3 riffle beetles                             2 dragonfly larva
1 water mite
1 damselfly
1 bee
1 crane fly

Some of the invertebrates that we found are a part of the category ones taxa like the stonefly, water penny, riffle beetle, mayfly, and probably more. This signifies that the Oxbow pond contains good water quality, as these invertebrates are pollution sensitive.


Both the Coquitlam River and the Oxbow pond are classified under good water quality. I found that surprising because I expected the pond to be lower since it's much less pleasing and has less visibility. However, I think the river seems much clearer and cleaner because there's a flow meanwhile, the pond is still and has mud at the bottom instead of rocks. It was also much easier to catch invertebrates in the pond than in the river and there were much more found in the pond too. I think that the biggest differences between the river and the pond are the way they flow and the bottom. For example, the river seems much cleaner because it has rocky bottoms and a flow that moves along all the dirt, animals, leaves, logs, etc. As opposed to the pond which has a muddy bottom and no flow, so everything that falls into the water stays causing the murkiness and the higher amount of life found.


I think this activity was a great and fun way to experience the way scientists analyze water and check the quality. Also, I think it's much more beneficial to actually physically do this activity instead of just reading and doing worksheets because it's much easier to understand when actually doing the process than only visualizing and imagining. I find that activities are overall more fun and easier to learn from than textbooks because personally, I am more of a visual and physical learner, and reading can get boring most of the time. This activity also allowed us to use our core competencies and it made getting to know my classmates much easier. This activity was very fun and taught be a lot about how invertebrates actually look and their surrounding habitats. Also, it made the factors much clearer and it helped me understand the concept and why the spheres do what they do and how.