Accessibility Design Challenge

By Catherine, Scarlett, Ella, Onikka, Riley, and Gabby

Empathy and Define 

For this project, our goal was to make an everyday task more manageable for Molly. After meeting her and asking her questions we decided that an issue that impedes her daily life is the difficulties she faces with her cane. Her cane resides on the floor, thus causing an issue when she needs to find it. Our goal was to provide a solution that would allow her easy access to her cane.

Our official problem statement

How might we create a device to provide a solution involving the daily struggles  and maneuverability that occur from the usage of a cane.


Initially, we came up with the idea of a clamp that could be squeezed to fit the table and the cane could be pushed into it. However, upon thought, we realized that it may be difficult to squeeze with Molly’s dexterity.

Secondly, we thought of a C clip that would allow her to simply push the device onto the table and push her cane into it. This was a better idea until we learned the specifics involving how her cane folds.

Finally, we needed an idea that would allow better support for her cane, which lead us to the idea of attaching a bag to our C clip device.

Prototype and Test

Our initial Prototype:

The prototype we created was simple. A 3D printed C clip with a taped-on metal piece that allows for it to connect to the surface or table where it was inserted.

Pros –

– The idea of the shape primarily worked. It fit on surfaces and would be able to support the weight of the cane.

– The general shape was almost perfect and could be replicated in a larger form.

– The metal piece will work as a solution to the clamping on the table.

Cons –

– The piece slides around the table.

– Because it’s a squared C shape the tension point all rests in a corner, causing breakage and eventually it will snap.

– The metal piece gets bent after repeated use because the device is too small overall to support to metal’s long-lasting capabilities.

Feedback –

– Molly will need to be able to transport it easily.

– Bag needs to be easily held open as searching for an opening is difficult.

– Device needs to have something that takes the tension off the corner to be more stable.

Final Project 


Overall we came up with solutions to our technical issues and feedback.

1. To fix the sliding we added grips to certain parts of the device using hot glue. Our goal was to create a gripping system like you would see on the bottom of a sock.

2. We changed the corner to be rounded with a ball instead of an L corner to create a tensionless section where pressure could snap it.

3. We made the C longer, wider, and taller to allow the metal piece to have more room, which will decrease its bending and damage.

4. We added a hook to the bag. That was when molly needs to transport the device she can pull the C off the table, place it in the bag, and use the hook on the bag to attach it to the backpack she wears every day,

5. And, finally, to solve the dexterity issue, Ella crocheted the bag. This will help it be more supported and hold its shape, making it easy to find the large opening.


My role in the project - 
I think that the project initiated with each of us having an equal amount of responsibilities in each role. We tackled each part with all of our brains and ideas combined. After the initial idea making and research my role shifted more towards the prototyping and design spectrum since we used my technology. 

My responsibilities - 
My main responsibilities was using Tinkercad to make our idea come to life. I started with designing our prototype, connecting, and sizing every detail we needed in the first place. After prototyping we were able to learn from our mistakes and I was able to adjust our design on the program to better fit our needs and our end goal. 

Contributions - 
I am very proud of my role in our group. I would consider myself mainly as the tech person since I completed the 3D design. This role pushed me out of my comfort zone since prior I was not experienced at all using 3D printers. Overall, I think I succeeded at my role and I am very glad to have taken it upon myself to help me expand my technical knowledge to take with me in the future. 

Collaboration improvement - 
Overall, our group worked really seamlessly together and I feel that each of us played a valued part in our final result. To further improve and expand my collaboration skills I feel that it would be important to enhance my communication skills to complete certain tasks of the project on a more defined deadline to reduce confusion since this project was pretty fluid and flexible throughout the group. 

What I learned about the design process - 
This design process is very interesting. When completing this project I was initially intimidated by the idea of finding the "right" solution. During this process, I quickly realized that there are endless ideas that work in different ways. I was able to understand that I cannot restrict ideas simply by stating whether or not they are "correct". I believe that my creative abilities were well worked and challenged to create something that the group and I are very proud of.

What I learned while working with the student - 
I think it was a very interesting experience working with Molly. I was able to learn some common struggles people with blindness disabilities face that I could have never even thought of. I also noticed how people with disabilities are treated differently and how relieving it seemed when Scarlett asked her a personal question as opposed to a disability related question. 
What I like about this process - 
I enjoyed this design process because it is a helpful way to guide outside of the box thinking. The design sheets were very helpful which just spitting out every idea and observing every aspect of the goal. My favorite part was probably collaborating with those around me to trial and error our image. It was very rewarding to see the results of our combined efforts. 

What I will remember - 
I will remember that ideas come the best while researching the the problem and final goal. It is important to not put any major pressure when forming an idea because the right one will come when it's ready. Also, I will remember to be more thoughtful of those with disabilities. For example, I will say hello to Molly in the hallways so she is aware of what's around her and so she feels safe and included in the school environment.

Astronomy Wonder Assignment

Would it be possible for humans to survive on another planet and how could we achieve that to benefit humanity?

Examples of Exoplanets:

My Information:

     In short, there is currently loads of research being found by numerous scientists in order to make this happen. However, there is a much bigger picture. With every decision or plan there are always the benefits and certain risk factors. Exploring this question has made me think so much deeper to appreciate our ideal planet that we currently inhabit. 
     Why is Earth so ideal? For starters, look around! We live on such a beautiful planet that goes very underappreciated a lot of the time. We have a magnetic field shielding us from space radiation, an atmosphere that allows us to breathe, and plenty of water. We have been given all the necessary resources for survival on this perfect planet. 
     Why would we ever need to leave Earth? Well there are numerous events and situations that may happen to jeopardize our existence on this planet. These situations may include our sun eventually dying and exploding, an asteroid similar to what led dinosaurs to extinction may hit, or even our own pollution may get the best of us. Anyway, there are many different types of situations and circumstances, but I think we can all agree that a back up plan is always a good idea especially if we want to continue the human race. 
     Could another planet support this living species of ours? Many scientists are dedicating their research towards this topic. So far, a popular topic is wanting to move to Mars. This makes sense because it is our neighboring planet and research has shown that with lots of work and evolved technology we could possibly organize a human colony on that planet. However, since resources differ there are some vitamins and minerals that may need to be shipped from Earth. For planet conditions, exoplanets are probably our best bet. An exoplanet is a planet outside our solar system that orbits a star other than our sun. Although they are insanely far, there have been some found that relatively share similar traits and conditions that humans may adapt to. The first exoplanet was only discovered in 1995 so think about the endless planets that we could find that are practically identical to ours. 
     What are challenges we face with completing this task? With high risks, come high rewards so it is evident with such a huge idea there will be down sides. First of all, our current technology is simply just no where near the level we need it at to achieve such great lengths of astronomic discovery. Also, if we were to go to Mars, why would we settle to live in poorer conditions? In addition, it would be 100 times more expensive to transport every necessary material over there to support human life. That planet is just our closest, if looking at those almost ideal exoplanets, we can keep dreaming because they are so far away. With our current technology, there is absolutely no way we could make a tens of thousands year trip in our lifetimes. 
     In conclusion, travelling to another planet is not out of the question. However, no matter what we will not be able to find a planet better suited than Earth for us, so moving should definitely be a final option. There is full faith in humanity to figure out how to travel through such large distances in space, but it is certain that it will not be for many years. With the right technology, moving to another planet will benefit humanity by giving us an alternate plan to save the human race from whatever threatening obstacles may face our planet. Also, by having the intelligence to achieve something so complex leaves humanities doors wide open for great discoveries beyond our imaginations and I hope the future generations will maintain a constantly positive way of life.

Video About Exoplanets:


Beall, Abigail. “Could We Survive without Our Planet?”, 18 Sept. 2017,,protection%20against%20harmful%20space%20radiation.

“Could We Live on Another Planet?” Oxplore,

“Earth-like Planets (and Where to Find Them).” Earth-like Planets (and Where to Find Them) | University of Oxford Podcasts - Audio and Video Lectures,

“Exoplanets & Planetary Astronomy.” Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences,

Krueger, Jason. “Space Exploration: Where Else Can Humans Live? - Stratostar STEM Education Blog.” StratoStar, 14 Feb. 2017,

Saplakoglu, Yasemin. “Humans Will Never Live on an Exoplanet, Nobel Laureate Says. Here's Why.” LiveScience, Purch, 14 Oct. 2019,

The Bright Future of Metagenomics

What is Metagenomics?

Before getting into all the revolutionary stuff that metagenomics has done and continues in the direction of doing, it is necessary to have an understanding about what this topic actually is. Metagenomics is known to be a very broad subject in the sense as it is a research field as well as sets of research techniques using diverse methods and approaches. However, the big idea of metagenomics refers to the growing of characterizing genomic communities on a genome level, using methods to understand the behaviors of modified genetics and more. A genome is an organism's complete set of DNA and stores all the cellular instructions. The broad idea of metagenomics allows so many new things to be discovered coming from different angles. It has changed the research of natural bacteria by arranging all microbial DNA in an environment. This mean that instead of manipulating and changing every genome to what we think is needed, we play by the rules of the microbes and view it as a whole. Following this brief introduction and simple break through of the idea of metagenomics we shall answer the question of: "Why should I care?". Further, it will be discussed the largest current advancements, its' best uses, and how humans can continue to use metagenomics to solve greater problems in the future.  

The Greatest Advancements in Metagenomics

The greatest advancement made in metagenomics is in medicine, in metagenomics you take a sample of the infections found  and run all the nucleic acids at the same time which contain a population of mixed bacteria from there new discoveries are made on what the infection is.  Metagenomics is very powerful and a useful tool in the field of medicine for the discovery of both veterinary and human infections and diseases. Metagenomics can uncover the imbalance of microorganisms such as bacteria in infections and illnesses by scanning over the sample of bacteria or infection. It also determines the severity of the diseases and find out what bacteria is resistant to antibiotics to help medical professionals find the best way to provide treatment to patients. Metagenomics can detect new and rare viruses, the ways they can progress and how they can pass on to others. In veterinary medicine the use of metagenomics can identify new viruses or diseases that can occur in animals leading to more treatments and medical discoveries. Metagenomics can find out a lot of useful and critical information by just running over the bacteria from the sample provided. Medicine is by far the most important advancement made by metagenomics because without it a lot of illnesses would go untreated, and more deaths would occur.  

How is Metagenomics Best Used?

Metagenomics is not as prominent as other biotechnological strategies, and there aren't many recorded uses of it. However, the best way metagenomics is currently used is in conjunction with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to overcome problems during the culture process in order to develop better antibiotics. For example, microorganisms that are physically conjoined cannot be separated to grow in a lab, in which case metagenomic Next Generation Sequencing (mNGS) can be used to understand their function and roles within the microbiome. Another example is that some microorganisms naturally develop a resistance to external factors when isolated from their environment, which can be a struggle when studying antimicrobial resistance in organisms. The data sets from metagenomic sequencing are very useful for discovering novel microorganisms that were previously considered absent. Having a strong understanding of the relationships between microorganisms and their chemical cycle relationships with their environment is the best way metagenomics is used today in developing antibiotics for antimicrobial resistant organisms. 

The Future of Metagenomics

Metagenomics is still a fairly new form of biotechnology but it has so much potential that could be built upon and utilized in the future in countless ways or directions. However, metagenomics is quite limited at the moment as the more complex versions are very expensive and time consuming. If we find a way to overcome this major obstacle it is no doubt that metagenomics can have a great impact in numerous fields such as earth sciences, life sciences, biomedical sciences, bioenergy, bioremediation, biotechnology, agriculture, biodefense and microbial forensics, and many more subcategories. A possible impact from metagenomics in earth sciences is that we could develop microbial models to describe and predict the processes, changes, and sustainability of the global environment. In life sciences, metagenomics can play a role in advancing new theory and being able to predict microbial biology, ecology, and evolution. Metagenomics could advance biomedical sciences by developing more efficient strategies for diagnosing and treating diseases with such insightful knowledge. Metagenomics has the potential to create new bioenergy resources that are more environmentally considerate, sustainable, and less vulnerable to disruption. It is possible for metagenomics to develop tools that can monitor environmental damage and environmentally friendly methods to help humanity recover a healthy ecosystem in bioremediation. In  biotechnology, metagenomics has the potential to identify the variety of capacities within microbial communities to boost products of industries, food, and health. In agriculture it could be possible to find efficient ways to detect faults in food for safer consumption. As well as developing methods to increase the beneficial attributes surrounding animals and plants. Finally, in biodefense and microbial forensics, metagenomics can maximize efficiency in vaccines against threats to human health along with other species. These are just some brief innovations that can be revolutionized with the use of metagenomics. Think about all the details and smaller problems these methods can achieve. Metagenomics is definitely a grand turning point for our modern and constantly evolving world.  


In conclusion, although it is less than 30 years old, the concept of metagenomics is highly important in our current and future understanding of the microbiome. The way in which metagenomics is structured allows for thorough understanding of specific microbiomes, which plays an important role in many environmental sciences, medical sciences, and biofuel sciences. It is certainly an expensive strategy, but if biotechnologists invest time and money into technology suitable for metagenomics, we can produce much better results in many biological fields. The future of biosciences depends on metagenomics. 

Core Competency

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“Applications of Metagenomics in Biotechnology and Health Care.” CD Genomics-the Genomics Service Company 

Belák, Sándor, et al. “New Viruses in Veterinary Medicine, Detected by Metagenomic Approaches.” Veterinary Microbiology, Elsevier, 1 Feb. 2013, 

Chauhan, Dr Tushar, and About The AuthorDr Tushar ChauhanDr Tushar Chauhan is a Scientist. “What Is Metagenomics?-Definition, Steps, Process and Applications.” Genetic Education, 10 Aug. 2020, 

Chiu, Charles Y., and Steven A. Miller. “Clinical Metagenomics.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 27 Mar. 2019, 

Chiu, Charles Y., and Steven A. Miller. “Clinical Metagenomics.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 27 Mar. 2019, 

Kracht, Matt. “Metagenomics.” Scholarly Resources for Learning and Research | Gale, 2016,¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CCX3629800275&docType=Topic+overview&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=ZXAR-VRL&prodId=SCIC&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CCX3629800275&searchId=R2&userGroupName=43riss&inPS=true .  

Metagenomics-Biology beyond the Microscope (Mississippi ... 

“Microbial Metagenomic Sequencing: An Advancement in Ultra-High Resolution Microbiomics.” Microbial Metagenomic Sequencing: An Advancement in Ultra-High Resolution Microbiomics - CD Genomics 

Miller, Ruth R, et al. “Metagenomics for Pathogen Detection in Public Health - Genome Medicine.” BioMed Central, BioMed Central, 20 Sept. 2013, 

Prayogo, Fitra Adi, et al. “Metagenomic Applications in Exploration and Development of Novel Enzymes from Nature: A Review - Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.” SpringerOpen, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 4 Aug. 2020, 

Reports, Business Industry. “Releases New Report on the Metagenomics Sequencing Market 2020-2025: Top Key Players - Thermo Fisher, Agilent, Enterome, Illumina, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, PerkinElmer, Qiagen.”, OpenPR, 31 July 2020, 

Smith, Yolanda. “What Is Metagenomics?” News, 26 Feb. 2019, 

Why Metagenomics? - the New Science of ... - 2007, 

Wylezich, Claudia, et al. “A Versatile Sample Processing Workflow for Metagenomic Pathogen Detection.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 30 Aug. 2018,

Science 10 – Cheek Cell Lab

Cheek Cell DNA:

As my first hands on biology lab, I was very mesmerized by the simplicity and quality of results. I found it very interesting to take what we learn in online diagrams and see what it actually looks like to the human eye. When twisting the DNA around the stir stick, I noticed it the most and I was deeply intrigued. However, due to the fragile nature of the DNA, it was very difficult to transfer into the test tube without a bit of breakage since I twirled it too high up. Evidently, most of my DNA stayed on the stir stick. I was still very proud of my results. If I were to do this lab again, it is definite that I would transfer DNA near the bottom of the stick as opposed to the middle. I am unsure if this way is the most efficient in order break apart the membranes in the cells because we do not have much visual advantage so there would not really be any way to see the membranes and each individual cell. However,  since this lab had a larger surface of DNA I think it was much easier to not destroy it.

Cheek Cells (stained):

This lab was super interesting as it was my first time using a microscope. It helped me gain a deeper understanding of what goes on in my system. Being able to see what builds up even the smallest component of my body and how much is used to create it, really opened my eyes to the endless functions of endless organisms. I can only wonder what goes on inside the cells and so on. During this lab, the first microscope we used did not work so when getting the final result, I was super shocked. I found it very insightful to see each cell and provoke curiosity and further interest in this scientific field. Something so simple such as scraping the inside of my mouth results in such diverse yet similar outcomes. By this I mean the cells look similar at a distance but the layout and at a more detailed view they are what build up each person and are very diverse. I think this lab was somewhat useful in order to get DNA because it was simpler to see the results and cells. However, we did not exactly do anything to break apart the membranes.

Cheek Cells (membrane disruption):

This lab was very interesting to take what we did previously and make it almost shapeshift. In the picture above, we used the dish soap and water solution to break the membranes. Before, I was very curious about what it would look like and the results did not disappoint. The membranes disfigures and some merged. I noticed a bit a texture change and am very curious about it as the groupings almost look flakey. I can see how the membrane is almost running away from its' nucleus. It is so amusing how quickly something can shift from the previous image to this one. I think this lab is the most efficient in taking DNA as we are able to break apart the membrane and see the process of it.

Science 10H – 3D Data Visualization

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The data that I chose to represent is the percentage of Canadians throughout different age groups that own a smart phone. I chose this topic because I am interested in the evolution of technology and its’ affects on our every day lives. Also, with recent vaccination QR code mandates mostly being on phones this topic spiked my interest with how many people actually had to find an alternate adaptation. I chose to make separate phones to represent the different age groups because my data is based around smartphone owners. I decided to represent my data by filling in the percentages of people as the battery percentages on each phone as it suits the overall theme. I also added labels to make it clear to the reader what I am presenting.

Science 10 – Scientific Method & Paper Airplanes

For this assignment I chose to test the affects of weight placement on a paper airplane and its’ ability to travel the farthest distance. Each plane was built the exact same way on 8 x 11 inch paper. The weight added to the airplane was a singular paper clip taped to the aircraft. The difference between each airplane is the placement of the paper clip (front, middle, and back). I lightly threw each plane five times then averaged out my results in distance to accurately answer my question and test my hypothesis to the best of my ability. In conclusion, the hypothesis, if I use a paper plane with a paper clip in the middle then it will fly the farthest because of the balanced weight is accepted. The data shows that the average distance wth the paper clip in the middle was the largest with 4.36m whereas, in the front was the least with 2.57m and in the back was in between the two with 3.33m. The results of this investigation are useful because they demonstrate the importance and affects of weight placement on an aircraft. However, this investigation can be improved by finding a way to throw the planes using identical force because as much as I tried to keep the force the same, I am only human so evidently the force cannot be identical. Other questions that need to be answered are the weight to plane ratios and which will be most affective for flying the longest distance.
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Indian Horse Podcast

Book — Indian Horse Feature Film

Also, as we did not have time to talk about expanding our questions. Here we are going to leave you with some thoughts and inquiries!
  1. How did residential schools affect indigenous people's future relationships? (romantic/platonic)
  2. How did residential schools affect the parenting choices of indigenous people?
  3. How are the children of the residential school survivors affected?

Circle Talk

Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story.

During circle talk, I was able to gain a deeper insight in exploring this principle of learning. I believe that a big part of our learning and understanding comes from our elders and what stories they tell us. Everyone has a different outlook on life and after hearing everyone talk, I was able to notice that certain traits we admire in our elders are passed down to traits we admire from our childhood or even who we are now. Even if our elders try to guide us in the best way possible, we are still able to explore to make our own mistakes and memories. I believe that we can learn a lot from memory as well because after analyzing certain moment we can create new perspectives towards life and even if we come back to those memories later we can take something new to value us when needed. I also agree that a good chunk of our learning comes from understanding history. I feel that our society and communities would not be as evolved if it was not for learning things that happened in the moment or even numerous years ago. Understanding history helps guide us into a better direction since we are educated about why certain things may be not the best idea. Everyone has a different perception towards different things and that is beautiful, but it is also wonderful how far we can all go together if we combine our knowledge with each other to move forward and evolve as a society.