Community Connections

Who Did I Interview?

I chose to interview Polina, who goes by the Instagram handle @yureyvna. She is a model, blogger, influencer, and more from Nashville, Tennessee. She has a very aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed with much fashion insight.

Why Did I Choose to Interview Her?

I chose to interview Polina because modelling is truly something that I've always admired and have had an interest in learning more. Also, I've always been into fashion and different styles, so Polina is definitely someone I'd look up to. I believe she has a positive impact in the social media community and that she carries a great vibe. Polina started her career as a model when she was 14 years old and since that is my current age, I find that amazing. She is a wonderful role model to younger girls just like myself because she isn't only completely stunning but she is also smart with strong goals in life. She is a strong independent woman and I truly love that, so of course I would definitely aspire to have a persona like hers one day. What better way to learn more about this lifestyle than to interview her for this assignment.

What Did I Learn?

After contacting Polina, I was able to learn so many new things and obtain a clearer outlook. Her responses to my questions were very insightful and I found them very interesting. Something I thought was cool to learn about, that I never payed much attention to is the responsibilities of modeling. For example, Polina mentioned that some of her struggles was having to learn how to budget her money, manage her time between studying and work, and having to fit into agency standards, all at the young age of 14. I've also realized the many more benefits of modelling such as travelling, making new connections, different learning opportunities, and so much more, all while having a good time. I am so glad to have been able to make this connection and I think that this was a beneficial assignment. Also, I learned that it isn't actually scary to reach out to others to make connections and that it is a very necessary skill to help in the future.

What Opportunities Did This Interview Open Up For Me?

Personally, this interview helped me unblock many mental barriers. I was always more iffy towards fashion and modelling since I've always seen it as putting on clothes and looking pretty. This interview helped me open my mind and realize that the industry has many more aspects. Overall, this interview opened up my mentality and may lead me to make possible choices that I haven't really thought about. I am normally a very practical and realistic person so I've always seen myself in a business type of way however, now I am seeing things differently and modelling looks like a possible interest in the future.

For any further questions or insights, Polina can be contacted through her email

Electrical Innovation Project

Scientists and Problem Solvers of the Future


Our group of three was challenged to discover a problem and create a way to fix it using our scientific knowledge about technology.

So right away, we got to work and started thinking long and hard.


We started our discovery process with a brainstorm of possible issues we could attempt to solve. Some big categories we though of are pollution, floods, wildfires, quality of health, decision making, exercise, natural disasters, and sleep scheduling. 

As we looked more into the ideas, and expanded them into more precise problems. We found ourselves being able to eliminate problems that are already solved or that are much out of our capabilities to solve. The big category we ended up choosing is pollution which led us to decide to help our quality of water.


We put on our thinking caps and started thinking about what we can do to help improve our water quality. We remembered all the different aspects and characteristics of water quality that we learned in the previous unit and used that knowledge to help us out. With our current abilities, we thought to to program a micro: bit to be able to test the turbidity, temperature, speed, and pH levels of the water. Ideally, the micro: bit would sit in water and would be sophisticatedly programmed, but we got pretty close to our ideal idea.


We were able to code our micro: bit to be able to use its sensor to detect the level of light, which allows us to see levels of turbidity in the water. We also used the temperature sensor to signal the temperature in the water and notice any changes. Another sensor we used was the acceleration which lets us know the speed of which the water is going. We also wanted to be able to find the pH level, but that was out of our reach of knowledge and sources however, we were able to find a video that explains how to create a pH sensor.

pH Meter for Micro: Bit


Digital Footprint

Digital footprint

Black Farmed Eyeglasses in Front of Laptop Computer  Code Projected Over Woman

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

A digital footprint is a very important aspect 
in our modern lives, as the world advances into 
a technological direction. 
Everyday as more 
technology further advances, more employers 
receive more sources that allow them to gain
valuable information about possible employees.
These sources have plenty of benefits, but many 
down sides as well. For example, if an employer 
needs to make a final decision between possible 
contestants it will be much easier for the 
employer to find valuable information about them
online. However, with all these new sources
it is much easier to find previous posts or 
images of people that may or may not be
beneficial towards certain employments. Since 
employers want their company or brand to have a
good reputation to gain clientele. They wouldn't
want to hire someone with a reputation that 
could possibly jeopardize their image and since
information is quite simple to find online by 
anyone, they prefer not to risk it. In the 
future, we never know who or what opportunities
we may encounter and we all know that it's better
to be safe than sorry so to avoid future 
complications, it's best to be more tentative
to what we do or post around cameras or other
social platforms. 

Facebook Application Icon

Black and Gray Laptop Computer With Turned-on Screen Beside Person Holding Red Smart Card in Selective-focus Photography

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

Now that we know the main idea and purpose of a digital footprint in the future, we need to understand how to upkeep a positive image. A very simple yet effective strategy, is to never post or do anything online that you wouldn't want anyone important seeing in the future. Even with private accounts or deleted posts it is always possible for them to resurface using numerous sources. The best idea is always live a life you're proud of and the rest will fall into place. Another well rounded strategy seems very small, yet it's quite effective and it is to take caution before giving you're personal information online. For example, it's always safer to give personal information to more common known sites apposed to sketchy or unknown places. If certain information is shared with the wrong source, it can easily be hacked and the information may be used for negative purposes. Lastly, a good strategy is to always keep your devices updated and clean. A good idea is to constantly every once and a while check and update your devices and other media. This strategy is my favourite because it keeps me up to date and overall more organized.

Black Flat Screen Computer Monitor

Black Smartphone Displaying Error                      Free stock photo of close-up, code, coding

What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

After answering the previous questions, I've learned plenty of information. One of the biggest points is that it's very simple to jeopardize a digital footprint even with one simple mistake. I've also learned to think before I do something, as I don't know how it can affect my future or who's filming. I feel that it's very important for everyone to know how scary the internet really is and how risky it can be. A good way to tell others would be to verbally express certain concerns or to raise more awareness for digital footprints. It's always a good idea to help others out. 

Five Bulb Lights

Works Cited

Clix, Rodolfo. “Five Bulb Lights.” Pexels, 23 Apr. 2018, 

Ku, Kevin. “Black Farmed Eyeglasses in Front of Laptop Computer.” Pexels, 5 Sept. 2017, 

Pixabay. “Facebook Application Icon.” Pexels, 26 Aug. 2016, 

Sorenson, Josh. “Black Flat Screen Computer Monitor.” Pexels, 22 Dec. 2018, 

Space, Negative. “Black and Gray Laptop Computer With Turned-on Screen Beside Person Holding Red Smart Card in Selective-Focus Photography.” Pexels, 14 Jan. 2016, 

Spiske, Markus. Pexels, 14 May 2018, 

ThisIsEngineering. “Code Projected Over Woman.” Pexels, 4 Mar. 2020, 

Zimmerman, Polina. “Black Smartphone Displaying Error.” Pexels, 16 Feb. 2020,